Join me in 3D to hear how Keith Berman used fake Covid tests to pump his company’s stock price over 1,500% during the pandemic! This is Season 3, Episode 17 – Keith Berman Rides Fake Covid Tests To The Bank.
00:00:10:14 – 00:00:21:11
Keith Berman
Well, hello there. My name is Keith Berman. Come on into my office. Make yourself at home. My company’s name is Decision Diagnostics.
00:00:21:13 – 00:00:46:14
Dr. Keith Jones
Holy hell. Keith, did you sublease this office from Saul Goodman? It’s connected to an empty, creepy warehouse. Well, listeners. Hey, welcome to another episode of eCrimeBytes. This is the animated podcast where I research the court documentation and then roast the criminals so you don’t have to.
00:00:46:16 – 00:00:50:12
Keith Berman
Keith, I got to ask, where did you get this picture of me?
00:00:50:13 – 00:01:04:14
Dr. Keith Jones
Well, this picture actually came from your public LinkedIn account. Now, I hope I did such a great job animating you that the listeners here think this is really you. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
00:01:04:16 – 00:01:16:18
Keith Berman
My company’s been making blood glucose tests for ages. But then here comes a pandemic and knocks us right off our feet. Really screwed up all of our finances.
00:01:16:20 – 00:01:23:02
Dr. Keith Jones
Hold up. Keith, are you trying to say it’s all the pandemic’s fault? That’s the whole reason your company lost money?
00:01:23:12 – 00:01:35:19
Keith Berman
Heh heh heh. Keith, you know I can’t lie to you. No, no, most of my money was spent on webcam models. At least $360,000 that the government knows about. Heh heh heh heh.
00:01:35:21 – 00:01:40:18
Dr. Keith Jones
Oh, man, that is so much money. What did you get out of that?
00:01:40:19 – 00:01:57:21
Keith Berman
Look at me, Keith. It takes a lot of cash to get a woman of that caliber to look at me. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Yeah, $360,000. I don’t have shit to show for it. Nothing. Unless you want to count this conviction we’re going to talk about.
00:01:57:23 – 00:02:21:08
Dr. Keith Jones
So from what I read, the pandemic happened. You ran out of money, and then you went to the Korean company that makes your glucose tests. And you asked them if they could make a blood Covid test that would occur in something ridiculous, like 10 seconds with just a tiny little drop of blood out of your finger. Is that right?
00:02:21:10 – 00:02:37:02
Keith Berman
Yeah, that sounds about right. So my Koreans, they said it was theoretically possible, but we kept trying and trying to make a test and we couldn’t. So of course, I went and issued a bunch of press releases that said, we’ve got this test and it works.
00:02:37:04 – 00:02:40:02
Dr. Keith Jones
That sounds highly fraudulent. Keith.
00:02:40:04 – 00:03:12:11
Keith Berman
Oh, Keith, it’s highly fraudulent. Highly fraudulent. I had another consultant coming and questioning it the whole time. And every time he’d question it, I’d go out there and I’d issue another press release talking about the test that we had. Hah hah hah hah hah. It was almost like to spite him, wasn’t it? Heh heh heh heh. There were at least a dozen press releases that happened, and my company that’s publicly traded, the price increased over 1,500%.
00:03:12:13 – 00:03:15:14
Keith Berman
Think about that, Keith. Think about that.
00:03:15:16 – 00:03:21:18
Dr. Keith Jones
Didn’t the company that were making the test, didn’t they see your press releases? And did they question you about it at all?
00:03:21:20 – 00:03:47:05
Keith Berman
Oh, Keith, the vendor came to us twice. The first time was after my first press release and they said, hey, we can’t make this test. So I looked them straight in the eye and I went out and issued another press release, and I said, hey, the vendor’s now validating this test that we have, and we’re just waiting on the FDA emergency use authorization.
00:03:47:07 – 00:04:00:13
Keith Berman
The vendor, that’s when they came back a second time. They said, hey, we definitely cannot make these tests. But I didn’t listen to them. I just kept publishing these press releases to pump up my stock price.
00:04:00:15 – 00:04:03:14
Dr. Keith Jones
So did the FDA do anything to stop you?
00:04:03:16 – 00:04:29:19
Keith Berman
Oh, yeah. Keith. They tried. They tried. The first time they came to me and they said, we can’t authorize anything without seeing some clinical test data. I don’t have clinical test data. Keith, this is a fraudulent test I’m making. So I did what I did best, went out issued a press release that said, hey, this Covid test that we’re making is well through this FDA process, even though it clearly was not.
00:04:29:21 – 00:04:55:23
Keith Berman
Now here’s something funny, Keith. When I applied for the emergency use authorization from the FDA, they sent me an acknowledgement letter. I used this acknowledgment letter as proof that the FDA granted us use of this test and is a major milestone. Heh heh heh heh. You see what I did there, Keith? It was just twisting the words a little bit.
00:04:56:01 – 00:05:10:19
Dr. Keith Jones
Holy hell. No, no, that’s not twisting the words. That’s just a straight up lie. All right, well, I see the FDA finally said no to you without any more clinical tests, and it sounds like you don’t have any way to make any clinical tests. So what did you do at this point?
00:05:10:21 – 00:05:37:14
Keith Berman
Well, I didn’t just start doing clinical testing if that’s what you’re asking me, Keith. Heh heh heh heh heh. So I hired some consultants, and I have to use air quotes, which is awkward because I don’t have hands. But these consultants, I used them to pressure the FDA into hopefully seeing our way into this. These consultants also pressured the members of Congress on our behalf.
00:05:37:16 – 00:05:52:03
Dr. Keith Jones
I see next, on April 23rd, 2020, the SEC suspended trading on your stock due to questions about the accuracy of your press releases and your Covid tests. Keith, how’d that make you feel?
00:05:52:05 – 00:06:16:07
Keith Berman
I was really pissed off. Really pissed off about this. So I did what I do best. And July 10th, 2020, I issued a press release that says we have a Covid blood test that produces results in 10.5 seconds. So take that SEC. Heh heh heh heh heh heh. You can imagine my consultant came back to me and said, are you sure we could do this?
00:06:16:09 – 00:06:21:19
Keith Berman
And I looked him straight in the eye and said, damn sure we can. Damn sure.
00:06:21:21 – 00:06:23:06
Dr. Keith Jones
So are you sure?
00:06:23:08 – 00:06:54:03
Keith Berman
Oh hell no. I didn’t have any test. No test at all. So I went to my investors, or, as I like to call them, victims. And ask them to write letters on my behalf to the SEC. And these are really long letters, Keith. They were 30, 40 page letters and hundreds of my victims, I mean, investors signed it and it was sent to the highest levels of the SEC on my behalf.
00:06:54:05 – 00:06:57:12
Dr. Keith Jones
Come on. Was that all you did?
00:06:57:14 – 00:07:19:17
Keith Berman
Hah hah hah Keith, you know I can’t lie to you. I went on these stock message boards and attacked the shit of the SEC. I used all sorts of aliases and pseudonyms, and, yeah, it was really not good in that when anybody tried to defend the SEC against my company, I’d go and attack them, too.
00:07:19:19 – 00:07:24:02
Dr. Keith Jones
So you attacked anybody that opposed you? Did that work?
00:07:24:04 – 00:07:38:14
Keith Berman
Fuck, no. So I went straight to the victims themselves, and I asked them to change their stories and omit things and just stop talking to the investigators. So that way they would stop looking at me.
00:07:38:16 – 00:07:43:02
Dr. Keith Jones
Well, that sounds like a move. Did that one work out for you?
00:07:43:04 – 00:08:06:09
Keith Berman
Hell, no. The SEC, their investigators came back around and started asking me questions like, did I post on this investors hub stock message board. So I looked them straight in the eye and I said, no, I am not a member of the Investors Hub Daily. Hah hah hah hah hah .
00:08:06:11 – 00:08:14:17
Dr. Keith Jones
Hold up Keith. That’s a different name. Investors Hub Daily is not the same thing as Investors Hub stock message board.
00:08:14:19 – 00:08:28:00
Keith Berman
Oh I know, I know. I thought I’d fool them, but later they came back and asked me a question about it to follow up, and I said, hey, I already answered that question. Heh heh heh heh heh heh.
00:08:28:02 – 00:08:32:16
Dr. Keith Jones
But you didn’t already answer that question. Did that make them go away?
00:08:32:18 – 00:08:45:06
Keith Berman
No. In fact, the goddamn FBI came back and asked me the same questions. So I lied to them, too. And I said I had nothing to do with any of this shit I just told you about.
00:08:45:07 – 00:09:02:06
Dr. Keith Jones
According to the paperwork I read there Keith, it looks like this did not work out for you because May 11th of 2021, you were indicted. Four counts, securities fraud, wire fraud, obstruction of proceedings and false statements.
00:09:02:08 – 00:09:22:01
Keith Berman
So what. Didn’t stop me. I don’t give a shit. I continued witness tampering. I also tried to sell off at least $6 million of my company, and it was all fraudulent, by the way, to unsuspecting victims, I mean investors.
00:09:22:03 – 00:09:24:18
Dr. Keith Jones
I can’t imagine that helped your case much.
00:09:24:20 – 00:09:33:21
Keith Berman
Oh, not at all. Let me show you what happens next. Hello, Clarice.
00:09:33:23 – 00:09:36:11
Dr. Keith Jones
Hah hah. Well, damn, they locked you up.
00:09:36:13 – 00:09:47:14
Keith Berman
Oh, yeah. Keith, it was pretty much their only choice at this point. I was witness tampering. I was trying to sell my company fraudulently. They couldn’t really do much else.
00:09:47:16 – 00:09:52:01
Dr. Keith Jones
To be fair, Keith, it sounds like you didn’t have much choice at this point either.
00:09:52:03 – 00:09:59:19
Keith Berman
Yeah, I decided to plead guilty to four counts while I still had some lead in my pencil. If you know what I’m saying.
00:09:59:21 – 00:10:31:10
Dr. Keith Jones
Keith, I didn’t want to have to imagine that one. All right, so I have count one is securities fraud. Count two is wire fraud. Count three is obstruction of proceedings. Count four is false statements. And it sounds like according to what I read, you pled guilty to everything. And the government on April 5th, 2024. They said we want 120 months, which is ten years for Keith Berman for all this shit that he did.
00:10:31:12 – 00:10:34:02
Dr. Keith Jones
How do you feel about that, Keith? What did you want?
00:10:34:04 – 00:10:46:15
Keith Berman
Keith I was horrified by ten years, given that my attorneys asked for time served. Ten years of not being able to talk to my webcam models. I can’t imagine a life like that.
00:10:46:17 – 00:11:07:06
Dr. Keith Jones
Sorry to bring you bad news, but the judge says you have seven years of prison, and then after that you have three years of supervised release. So you’re going to be well into your 80s before this portion of your life is over. And it looks like your restitution is to be figured out when all your other cases have concluded with the SEC and all that.
00:11:07:08 – 00:11:28:20
Keith Berman
Holy hell. Hey, Hannibal, you hear that? I’m going to be with you at least seven more years. Shit. Well, the only thing I got to say is, I sure hope I have video phones in prison, and it’s about to get real awkward for anybody around me. You know what I’m saying? Heh heh heh heh.
00:11:28:22 – 00:11:35:01
Dr. Keith Jones
Well, it really sounds like the webcam models are the only people that made out at the end of this case.
00:11:35:03 – 00:11:42:21
Keith Berman
Oh, the webcam models did not make out, Keith. They did not make out. You would think for $360,000 that they would have, but they didn’t.
00:11:42:23 – 00:11:55:14
Dr. Keith Jones
Fair enough. Hey, listener. If you enjoyed this episode, please like and subscribe. I really hope to see you on our next episode, which will be another crazy case just like this. Thanks and see you then.
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