Month: February 2023
eCrimeBytes S 1, Ep 3: Violence As A Service With ”PatTheBat”
This episode we take a look at a shooting at one PA residence and a firebombing at another. Are these two crimes related? We will meet an enforcer who named himself “PatTheBat”…
Anatomy Of A Zeek Spicy Protocol Analyzer
This video will walk through all the important parts of a Zeek Spicy protocol analyzer.
BACNet Basics With Zeek
We look at what BACNet traffic looks like in Zeek, along the way explaining some BACNet basics.
Easily Run Zeek and Spicy in a Docker Container
Here you will learn to run Zeek and Spicy in a Docker container. I do this often to test my code on different versions of Zeek without having to fully install each…
eCrimeBytes S 1, Ep 2: Swatting Gets Deadly
This week we take a look at the damage left behind by a serial swatter who wanted notable Instagram and Twitter usernames so badly he would try anything to get them. While…
Create a Zeek Spicy Analyzer from a Template
Learn how to create a Zeek Spicy protocol analyzer from a template using “zkg create”.
This is my first post. I hope there will be many more to come. Feel free to visit any of my social media links in the header.