CT State Trooper Shares Info With GF’s Ex, Because Who Needs Job Security? – eCrimeBytes Nibble #13

At a first glance this case did not look that interesting, but after reading deeper it appears as if a CT state trooper (Mitchell Paz) let his girlfriend (Amanda Marino) use his laptop to look at investigative records of her ex (Shawn Roka).

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, that’s pretty bad. But surely they weren’t dumb enough to get caught, right?” Wrong. Dead wrong. In the lengthy arrest warrant, it’s revealed that law enforcement was able to trace the laptop that was used to access the info. And where was that laptop, you ask? Oh, just chilling in Trooper Paz’s cruiser. And if that’s not bad enough, there’s even video evidence of Paz and Marino accessing the data from the cruiser in their own damn yard.

If that was not bad enough, Marino then shared the investigative data with Roka. Roka was being investigated for drug offenses and the investigative information Marino shared with him had confidential informant names and other important information.

There was no work purpose for Trooper Paz to be accessing Roka’s information.

Here is the full arrest warrant (downloaded from WFSB and a Google Drive link). It is worth the read.

Further Reading (And Photo Credits!):

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