Police Officer’s Lies Were Bench-Pressed Out Of A Job – eCrimeBytes Nibble #14

Jonathan Andino formerly from the New Haven, CT police department was sentenced to 2 years for computer crime. Andino was found guilty of providing information from investigative database about a DEA target, to that target.

Meanwhile, the New Haven DEA Field Office had an investigation into drug trafficking in East Haven that included a federal warrant-issued wiretap. During that probe, a phone conversation was intercepted that had a man associated with the DEA’s “target” ask if the man had anyone inside the East Haven Police Department to provide information about “police activity” near the target’s house. The man said he did: his “godson,” according to court documents.

It was the same uncharged police officer being investigated by the FBI, court documents state.

Andino is the police officer identified by the DEA as the “godson;” the person inside the EHPD, according to court documents.


In an unrelated situation, Andino claimed he was unable to work after an on duty car accident. When his claims were investigated by internal affairs, they found Andino’s claims were not true. Rather than face termination, Andino resigned:

He said he suffered from almost daily hours-long headaches, severe light, and sound sensitivity, experienced constant and consistent pain since the 2019 accident, and walked with a limp, among other medical symptoms that prevented him from working.

It was found his statements were “false,” according to the report.

Per the Internal Affairs report, a detective conducting surveillance documented Andino engaging in activity that was in contradiction to his injury claims.

While tailing him, he saw Andino working out in a gym doing bench-presses. Driving a modified Dodge Charger with a “very loud” exhaust despite “sound sensitivity.” Walking and otherwise moving without a visible limp. He was often seen not wearing hats or sunglasses to protect him from light sensitivity, and other contradictions to his claims, the report shows.

The report also states that Andino provided false or misleading information to his medical providers, one of whom believed his complaints of pain and symptoms were not proportionate to his claimed injuries, per the report

By May 2021, with the internal affairs probe concluded, Andino was advised he’d have a pre-termination hearing in June 2021. He was being fired for multiple false statements while providing sworn testimony during March 9, 2020 and Dec. 3, 2020 depositions.

He resigned before that hearing.


FBI investigation? Check. Surveillance footage? Check. Loud-ass Dodge Charger? Check. Looks like this guy’s limping wasn’t the only thing that wasn’t legit.

But what is ultimately bothersome is it appears as if Andino did not spend any time in jail:

Former East Haven police officer Jonathan Andino was found guilty of a felony computer crime and sentenced to two years in prison, though the sentence was suspended by a New Haven Superior Court judge Wednesday. He was given a conditional discharge, court records show.


Further Reading:

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