A Plane Crash For The Likes! – Act 2: Engine’s Out!

Sit back and listen to a story about Trevor Jacob, an Olympian and member of Nitro Circus, and how he crashed his plane for the Youtube likes! This is eCrimeBytes.com Season 2 Ep 4-2: YouTuber Olympian Trevor Jacob Crashes His Plane For The Likes – Act 2: Engine’s Out!

This is act 2. If you would like the background, the previous act was:

A Plane Crash For The Likes! – Act 1: Nice Day For A Flight



00:00:10:00 – 00:00:28:27
Hey, welcome back to eCrimeBytes Season two, Episode four. This is the YouTuber who crashes his plane for the likes and we’re in Act two and we talked about Act One yesterday, which was everything leading up to this flight.

00:00:28:29 – 00:00:38:09
And now Trevor Jacobs up in the air and his engine just went out. And that’s where we’re starting act two, which is called Engine’s Out.

00:00:38:12 – 00:00:56:12
All right. So we know that the flight was on November 24th, 2021, and we know that Jacob’s engine sorry his flames went out like Maverick. So that’s a reference to, if you remember the first Top Gun, where unfortunately we lost Goose in a jet wash and as you say.

00:00:56:12 – 00:00:57:09
Man, too soon.

00:00:57:09 – 00:01:19:08
Way too soon. Anthony Edwards So anyway, yeah, his engine went out. And it begs the question of, well, if you’re a pilot and you’re allowed to fly a plane, what would you do with this point? There are several things you might do. You might call an emergency on the radio. You would try literally any checklist of what to do when an engine goes out.

00:01:19:10 – 00:01:38:13
You might try to land the plane somewhere, anywhere. You might get to a lower altitude so you know your aircraft won’t hit somebody before you use that parachute you randomly put on your body. So let’s see what Trevor Jacob does in his instance.

00:01:38:13 – 00:02:07:23
Oh, I’m over the mountains and I. Okay. I just got to stop even a couple seconds into this. He has an engine out, and immediately he’s not looking at restarting his plane. He’s already popping his door open and looking outside and talking about the mountains. It’s unbelievable. This is not what you do when your engine goes out, by the way.

00:02:07:26 – 00:02:13:14
You don’t.

00:02:13:16 – 00:02:26:01
Trevor Jacob
Oh, Oh, okay.

00:02:26:01 – 00:02:39:15
So he’s just yelling, Oh, fuck. Oh fuck over and over. And if you can’t see the video, all he’s doing is kind of holding his camera and you can see him opening his door many times and looking out of it like, I’m going to jump out of this motherfucker.

00:02:39:17 – 00:02:56:11
Trevor Jacob
Oh. Oh. Oh, shit.

00:02:56:14 – 00:03:33:14
Still this whole time, not trying to restart the engine or anything. He just looking out the door. The door that’s like open maybe 45 degrees, which is actually pretty hard to do with that much wind. Okay. And this is just the part you have to see because it’s like he sticks his head out the door and then just like a dead body just kind of rolls out.

00:03:33:14 – 00:04:16:01
And then all of a sudden he’s parachuting while the cameras are still attached to the plane. The propeller is not turning. He’s over the mountains. And this thing is obviously now going to crash because there’s no pilot behind the controls. So as you see, he jumps and, you know, his pilot headsets flapping in the wind. And at this point, he’s not deployed his parachute.

00:04:16:01 – 00:04:37:20
You can see it on him, though, and he’s wearing a jacket and stuff, but he’s holding onto this camera as he’s jumping with some selfie stick. So, first of all, my mind is how the hell is this phone or whatever is recording not flying off the selfie stick? And second, who the hell has a selfie stick when they’re worried about their their life ending?

00:04:37:20 – 00:05:10:15
Because this plane, purportedly the engine went out over the mountains. Okay, Now you see a couple of things here. One is the plane is no longer flying straight. It’s actually in a spiral. So this is pretty typical because there’s no one behind the controls and the spirals is going to get worse and worse and worse until it eventually just goes into the ground and crashes.

00:05:10:18 – 00:05:21:18
But the second thing, if you look the propeller’s turning. So if Jacob wants to argue that a piston blew or something that jammed his engine, you know, there’s something actually turning in his engine.

00:05:21:18 – 00:05:48:01
And now he’s deployed his parachute. He’s looking around and he’s watching the plane that is still flying with nobody behind the controls.

00:05:48:03 – 00:06:27:25
And he just saying holy shit and he’s sort of just steering his parachute while holding a selfie stick and a camera. Okay. So from here to the end, you’re going to see the plane spiral and crash. And I’m just going to kind of play that uninterrupted for you. It’ll be kind of silent for you audio listeners, but it’s kind of him a ways away holding this camera.

00:06:27:28 – 00:07:35:06
And you can see the plane sort of just descending and doing a spiral into a mountain. All right. And that’s it. That’s the crash. The rest of this clip that I’m not going to play for you is him parachuting down pretty much uneventfully until he gets to the ground and it looks like he kind of lands in a tree and he swears a lot at the tree.

00:07:35:06 – 00:07:54:20
But that’s it. And then he just looks around and says, Holy fuck, holy fuck. And then there’s a lot of trekking at this point that I’m just going to cut out and not even show you because, you know, he talks about survivalism and that kind of stuff that if you’re interested in that, I do put the links to all these full videos in the blog and you can check it out.

00:07:54:20 – 00:08:09:14
Oh, my God. So isn’t that absolutely crazy, Seth? So let me, as a pilot, explain to you how crazy the video it is that you just saw. There’s some subtle things going on that I’m going to invite you back up.

00:08:09:19 – 00:08:35:09
Watch this very closely, because you can miss it. His hands don’t really leave the controls all that much. You don’t really see him trying to start the airplane. You just see him kind of level out the airplane, which is usually what you do. You get it to a certain velocity. So that way you can make sure your plane stays aloft the most amount of time so you can figure out what the problem is.

00:08:35:11 – 00:08:42:15
But instead of figuring out the problem, Trevor Jacob doesn’t do jack shit other than open the door and

00:08:42:15 – 00:08:54:28
basically just roll out like a dead body out of the side of his air airplane because he has a parachute on. So I had a lot of thoughts about this, Seth.

00:08:55:02 – 00:09:11:05
A lot of thoughts as a pilot. All technical. First thought, this guy fucking bailed out faster than most major brands did on Kanye West. I mean, it was like, first moment there’s a problem. He looks around, does jack shit, jumps out of his airplane?

00:09:11:05 – 00:09:14:10
No. Too soon for a Kanye joke Seth? All right,

00:09:14:10 – 00:09:42:09
This guy dropped out faster than most advertisers on Twitter this year. It was like first moment of trouble… out of this airplane. Nope, nope. Still not good enough joke for you Seth? Okay. Okay. This one is going to hurt Seth. This fucking guy bailed out faster than those young kids from Michigan when they were told they had to drink thawed, frozen yellow milk.

00:09:42:11 – 00:09:46:19
It’s an inside joke. No one’s going to get that if I get it, though. I appreciate our.

00:09:46:19 – 00:09:50:06
Listeners. Our listeners who listen to the Kingpin.

00:09:50:08 – 00:09:50:12

00:09:50:15 – 00:09:56:08
Season one, The Season one, the Kingpin episode. If you go back and to it, we talk about Frozen Yellow Milk.

00:09:56:08 – 00:10:05:19
Stay tuned for a coming attraction of a frozen thawed out yellow milk drink contest that we’re going to be having soon. So keep your eye out for that.

00:10:05:21 – 00:10:08:26
I sent the clip of one of our last episodes of my brother

00:10:08:26 – 00:10:27:07
where we were talking about frozen yellow milk in comparison, comparing gross stuff to it. And he said, Oh, yeah, that’s totally correct. Yeah. As we do that, it’s like we compare stuff to the yellow milk all the time. So my last joke here is, you know, one last time this fucking guy fell faster than our listeners expectation after hearing my jokes.

00:10:27:07 – 00:10:32:14
Seth Oh, you’re too hard on yourself. It was high comedy.

00:10:32:17 – 00:10:51:22
So at this point we are going to get to our third video clip for you. This one’s a minute. I cut out a ton of shit where he’s kind of walking and being survival man, talking about how he’s going to survive and just stuff that I thought was kind of useless for our episode and just got to the point where he found his plane.

00:10:51:25 – 00:11:10:03
So imagine if you’re not seeing this. He jumped, okay? And you actually saw the plane after he jumped, it went it crashed. We saw the crash. He didn’t go for help. He went to the wreckage first. And that’s what we’re going to see here.

00:11:10:04 – 00:11:21:19
Trevor Jacob
Oh, I spot the plane. I see it down there. Oh, my God.

00:11:21:21 – 00:11:42:01
Okay, so at this point, you see him walking up to a plane that’s crashed on the ground. And as far as airplane crashes go, this isn’t too bad. The freeze frame that I have on the video right now, it’s clearly a plane and it looks like the wings are pretty messed up. But you’d expect something as light as a plane hitting that hard.

00:11:42:01 – 00:11:46:27
I would expect it to be much more crumpled.

00:11:47:00 – 00:11:54:23
Trevor Jacob

00:11:54:25 – 00:12:00:19
Trevor Jacob
Oh, wow. Wow. Holy smoke.

00:12:00:22 – 00:12:25:17
So what I thought was weird here is the flight that he said he was taking was over a hundred nautical miles. I’d say somewhere between 100 and two hundred nautical miles. So you’d expect this plane to have a decent amount of gas in it If he’s going out and back. And I don’t see any gas dripping or anything from this, which, you know, if you walked up on this, it almost looks like it’s been here for a while.

00:12:25:20 – 00:12:42:07
Trevor Jacob
Oh, there’s literally nothing. No anything. No water. I had a water jug in the back. Oh, my.

00:12:42:10 – 00:12:59:11
I’ll just pause it for the audio listeners. When he says there’s nothing, he’s just kind of looking around inside and the inside of the cabin is crumpled. But you can tell there’s wings and a tail on this plane. And I’m pretty sure some of this stuff in here survived. I don’t think it wrecked as hard as he is making it sound.

00:12:59:13 – 00:13:07:15
Trevor Jacob
Gosh, I have no idea where I am.

00:13:07:17 – 00:13:23:25
Trevor Jacob
Oh. I don’t even know, man. Thank you, God. Thank you, universe. Thank you. Higher power for watching over me. I’m going to start walking out of here.

00:13:23:28 – 00:13:35:24
And that was it. So he walked up to the plane. He looked inside it for supplies, and then he left. And I’m assuming at this point is when he grabbed his cameras off the plane as well.

00:13:35:24 – 00:14:03:24
All right, So let’s go through my thoughts on the wreckage here. Several. Why don’t we see a bunch of gas coming out of the plane? Was it empty? So knowing that he went right to the crash site, he definitely knew where it was. And that’s going to become important right. Assuming that he had a phone on him, there was probably GPS evidence on his phone from the site, especially if he took, you know, pictures and video with a selfie stick.

00:14:03:27 – 00:14:23:12
And we know from prior episodes that your phone is essentially a walking tracking device and is definitely in many ways law enforcement can back into where you might have been with it. Also, we don’t know what is you know, even though the plane is very old, we’re assuming there were some updated avionics, which are the type of electronics on an airplane that help it fly.

00:14:23:13 – 00:14:42:18
So there may or likely have been GPS data on that plane itself. Then we know ELT is, as as Jones mentioned earlier, were mandated after 1972. So, again, this is a 1940 airplane. We don’t know what level of avionics he had in the plane, but there could have been one installed. And if it was installed, why didn’t it fire up?

00:14:42:25 – 00:14:45:11
There was no mention in the public record.

00:14:45:13 – 00:14:50:23
And the ELT was something I talked about earlier, where it’s a it’s a tracker and

00:14:50:23 – 00:15:04:08
kind of. All right from a car sense. Right. If you nowadays, if you get a wreck in a car, your OnStar will come out and go, Hey, Dr. Jones, you okay? And if I’m in a bad wreck, they know you know, I’m not okay.

00:15:04:08 – 00:15:06:22
And then you’re location on your car for sure.

00:15:06:25 – 00:15:26:10
They know to send an ambulance to where my car is GPS that’s in the plane sense, sort of the same thing with the ELT, except you can’t really talk to anybody. It’s just a beacon. A lot of times I’ve seen them be in the tails of the airplane and when it jarred a certain amount of G-forces, it basically sets it off.

00:15:26:10 – 00:15:46:08
And it’s a radio beacon that, you know, radios can pick up, but also satellites can pick up. So this whole time, I’m thinking as a pilot, well, you’re going to see later on he’s going to say he can’t find this wreckage. He doesn’t know where the wreckage is. And I’m thinking, well, if I just had this beacon on there, they would have known that a plane went down almost immediately.

00:15:46:10 – 00:15:50:05
And it just there was no mention in the record anywhere.

00:15:50:05 – 00:15:53:24
so the last thing I want to play for you is

00:15:53:24 – 00:16:05:29
this video where Trevor Jacob finds help. This is when he runs into some farmers way up there in the dark that same day after his hike of finding the wreckage.

00:16:05:29 – 00:16:14:21
And the reason why I’m including it is just because it has his voice explanation of what happened during the day. And I thought you might find that interesting. It’s only 48 seconds, so we’re going to include it.

00:16:14:22 – 00:16:19:08
Trevor Jacob
Hi. How are you doing, man?

00:16:19:10 – 00:16:38:07
So I’m gonna just start this video and tell you that you don’t actually see much at all on here. You just see the ground, and it looks like he’s not pointing his camera at anything. It’s definitely dark, too. And you just see somebody’s shoes. So I’m not going to explain what it is you’re seeing in here. You’re actually not seeing anything.

00:16:38:10 – 00:16:47:25
And I’m saying this that the audio listeners, the video listeners, yeah, you’re not going to see anything, but I’m playing this more for the audio because he explains what he goes through.

00:16:47:28 – 00:17:06:10
Trevor Jacob
I had an engine out in the mountains and there was nowhere to land. I always fly with a parachute and I’m like, I can either jump right now or take the chance of landing this thing. And I’m that I’m out. And then I as soon as I open the canopy and I’m under parachute, the plane came back around and almost hit me.

00:17:06:16 – 00:17:24:28
Trevor Jacob
You have no idea how far back they are, you know? Yeah, I’m just How is in this day of my life? Oh, shit. I’d probably been walking six, seven, eight miles already. So just in the river. I was. I was probably five miles up in the hills. Almost fell off a cliff. I literally was just like I saw fresh tracks on the car.

00:17:24:28 – 00:17:30:25
Trevor Jacob
I’m like, I’m going to just get to that river. And. And then I saw water. I started crying.

00:17:30:28 – 00:17:35:05
And then the video ends. It just says thank you to the farmers who saved me. And that’s it.

00:17:35:05 – 00:17:54:01
All right. So you can see in his explanation of things, that sounds like he had a hell of a day. It’s nighttime now. The farmers, he thanks the farmers for taking him to civilization. And now he’s able to get back on the Internet and talk to people. And you got to think, what is the first thing you do?

00:17:54:07 – 00:17:58:25
You jump out of a goddamn airplane. You saw your airplane crash, you went and visited it. And then you

00:17:58:25 – 00:18:12:10
met a bunch of farmers up on a mountain that took you to civilization. What would you do? I’d probably contact the and NTSB or the FAA right away. Well, tell you what. That’s not what Trevor Jacob did.

00:18:12:10 – 00:18:35:14
And stick around for act three the investigations, because we’re going to talk about what Trevor Jacob actually did. And if you liked anything in this act, please, if you’re on YouTube, give us a like give us a subscribe. If you are on audio podcast apps, please subscribe to us. If you’re on Apple Podcasts specifically, give us a five star review.

00:18:35:17 – 00:19:05:13
Half of our audio listeners are on Apple, and it’s really important for that statistic of the reviews to be up so that way other people can find our podcast as a new listener. And if you’re on any of the other social media networks that I try to stream us out to, like LinkedIn or Twitter slash X or Facebook, please, like, please subscribe and please reshare and just introduce us to new people that you think might like a light hearted true crime

00:19:05:13 – 00:19:06:25

00:19:06:28 – 00:19:10:27
And with that, we will see you in Act three. Thanks. Bye.

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