A Plane Crash For The Likes! – Act 3: The Investigations

Sit back and listen to a story about Trevor Jacob, an Olympian and member of Nitro Circus, and how he crashed his plane for the Youtube likes! This is eCrimeBytes.com Season 2 Ep 4-3: YouTuber Olympian Trevor Jacob Crashes His Plane For The Likes – Act 3: The Investigations.

This is act 3. If you would like the background, the previous acts were:

A Plane Crash For The Likes! – Act 1: Nice Day For A Flight

A Plane Crash For The Likes! – Act 2: Engine’s Out!



00:00:10:00 – 00:00:42:12
Hey, welcome back to eCrimeBytes. We are in season two now. Episode four. This is the YouTuber who crashed his plane for the likes. And we’re in Act three. So in Act one, we got you up in the air with Trevor Jacob, the pilot. The engine went out at the end of Act one. Act two was what he decided to do after the engine went out, which wasn’t run a checklist, try to restart the engine or a million other things he could have done.

00:00:42:15 – 00:01:08:19
Instead, he bails the fuck out and leaves this plane up in the air while he has a parachute. And then he pops his parachute and basically watches his plane crash. And then when he lands, he hikes to his plane, I assume, to get all the cameras. He had stuck to all the different surfaces on it. And then he hikes somewhere where some farmers find him and then that’s his help and he gets out of there.

00:01:08:21 – 00:01:34:29
That’s where we left you. Now, where we’re bringing you in is the investigations. We talked just a very, very briefly about NTSB and FAA. They’re the two federal authorities that will investigate a crash like this for. Yeah, I’m not a lawyer, especially a governmental lawyer. So I can’t tell you exactly why it’s split. But, you know, I think one of them is basically that the more the

00:01:34:29 – 00:01:37:01
like a safety type of thing, like.

00:01:37:03 – 00:01:57:01
The NTSB is the National Transportation Safety Board. Right. So they’re I think you focus on the safety element of the FAA. Is the Federal Aviation Administration right there? You have well, they’re also just responsible, making sure that if you fly a plane, there’s certain regulatory requirements you have to meet. Safety is one of them. But that’s more the jurisdiction of the NTSB.

00:01:57:01 – 00:02:18:06
So FAA and because you crash the plane generally would be involved. But obviously to make sure, you know, in other words, if you followed every every single FAA regulation, they’d be like, all right, we’re good here. But it’s clearly still an NTSB issue. But I think, you know, the problem is that there were violations of both sets of regulators requirements.

00:02:18:14 – 00:02:21:07
We’ll get into that.

00:02:21:09 – 00:02:25:20
And so this leads perfect into this background for this act, which is,

00:02:25:20 – 00:02:45:08
to a layperson that doesn’t work in aviation or isn’t a pilot. The question of how fast you report something may not come to your mind. You would just think you’d report something very quickly. There are actually laws and rules written and how fast a pilot has to report some type of incident.

00:02:45:08 – 00:02:46:11
So you imagine.

00:02:46:11 – 00:03:00:05
Being on the highway, right, going 140 miles an hour because you’re being an idiot and then like flying off the the road and crashing into three other cars or whatever it is, walking away, we’re like, Well, I guess I’ll go home now.

00:03:00:05 – 00:03:05:02
And for four days no one hears from you. You continue on your life. That wouldn’t have been right.

00:03:05:02 – 00:03:16:20
You’d have to call your insurance company to call the police, you know, move the fucking wreck. You don’t have to do a lot of things, right? That’s all the same for an airplane. But times 100 because it’s an airplane.

00:03:16:22 – 00:03:45:03
Yeah. And so the rules actually are and I’ll read you a little segment here, it says the operator of an aircraft must immediately and by the most expeditious means available, notify the nearest NTSB field office when an aircraft accident or any of the following listed incidents occur. So right there, an aircraft accident. So that qualifies. But one of them is flight controls malfunction or failure.

00:03:45:08 – 00:04:00:24
We don’t know why his plane lost power, according to him. And engine controls are considered flight control. So here’s another reason why this accident should be reported immediately. And there’s a bunch of other

00:04:00:24 – 00:04:11:18
specifications on when you have to report immediately. And it’s different things like, you know, in-flight fire, aircraft collide in flight and a bunch of stuff that doesn’t apply to the accident that we saw here.

00:04:11:20 – 00:04:24:12
But there was one at the bottom that I argue could probably apply, which is they say, quote unquote, an aircraft is overdue and is believed to have been involved in an accident. And I thought

00:04:24:12 – 00:04:31:16
that believed we know this thing was in an accident because there’s video of it. He’s got video of it. So we know there was an accident.

00:04:31:16 – 00:04:53:11
So if it if for some reason somebody can argue that it didn’t fall under those points I read you initially, I would think it would at least fall in here where it’s you know, the aircraft is overdue and it was believed to be in an accident that’s kind of all encompassing, in my opinion. So then you ask yourself, what did Trevor Jacob do?

00:04:53:13 – 00:04:55:17
Did he notify immediately?

00:04:55:19 – 00:04:58:02
No, no, he no.

00:04:58:05 – 00:05:23:11
He notify them two fucking days later on November 26, 2021. And you know, you might think, oh well he was hiking around stuff. Well he wasn’t hiking around for two days. He was found that night. So even if you give him the next day ish, he should have called them probably by the evening of the next day at, at worst case scenario, my opinion.

00:05:23:13 – 00:05:42:04
So on November 26th of 2021, when he he talked to NTSB, he said, hey, I will share with you the wreckage location. He didn’t give it to him yet. He just said, I will share it with you. And he also said, I’m going to share my videos with you as well.

00:05:42:07 – 00:05:49:28
Now, let me ask you this, Keith. Is it normal to have videos of any random flight you might take?

00:05:50:00 – 00:06:19:15
I would say nowadays it’s a little more normal because the GoPro style cameras come down in price pretty reasonably. People can stick them outside. The problem with it is if one of those cameras come off of an airplane and hit somebody or a house or something on the ground, and then you can trace that back to whoever it was in the airplane, that would be very bad for the pilot, because there are rules about what can fall from airplanes.

00:06:19:15 – 00:06:31:23
And it’s not GoPro cameras. It’s basically nothing can fall from airplanes. So, yeah, I would assume a lot of that a lot of pilots do what you saw Trevor Jacob do. But

00:06:31:23 – 00:06:42:22
there were at least two or three cameras on there. I mean, it seems like there was a lot of cameras out there. But you also weigh it with the fact that, you know, he’s like a social media type of guy and he probably films pretty much everything.

00:06:42:25 – 00:06:47:11
So, I don’t know, I kind of go back and forth on it, you know? Yeah, it’s these.

00:06:47:13 – 00:07:06:29
Can we agree about putting. Can we agree that wearing a parachute on what should be a flight that you tend to land the plane on is kind of like going to sleep by yourself with a condom on? Yeah. A woman might suddenly appear in my bed. I’ve got to be prepared for that. I mean, it just doesn’t make sense. Is that a fair assessment?

00:07:07:02 – 00:07:27:26
Yeah, for more like almost all flights, you wouldn’t normally wear a parachute. Like I said, I think it was in act one that a parachute usually is only worn when you expect to do aerobatics right. And that an aerobatics is also classified. That’s off the top of my head has been so many years I can’t remember. But it’s a certain bank angle and pitch attitude.

00:07:27:26 – 00:07:31:00
If you if you break those, you’re supposed to wear a parachute.

00:07:31:03 – 00:07:31:16
Fair enough.

00:07:31:16 – 00:07:40:01
So we’re now about, what, seven, six days after the crash, which is on what, the 24th or the 20th.

00:07:40:01 – 00:07:40:27
Crash happened on the 24.

00:07:40:27 – 00:08:09:08
So 5 days later, the Federal Aviation Administration or FAA also starts an investigation. So just so we’re clear, if you’re keeping score here, Jones, that is not one but two federal agencies investigating Mr. Jacob over this accident. So a day later on the 30th, the NTSB emails, Jacob, and they say, hey, we’d like to get that G.P.S. location for the wreckage.

00:08:09:11 – 00:08:19:20
So Jacob responds an hour and a half later saying he didn’t have the coordinates. And we’re still figuring out where the wreckage was located. Jones was that a true statement?

00:08:19:22 – 00:08:37:03
Not from what we saw on the video, right, because he walked up to the wreckage and you would assume he knew knows where thats at he wouldn’t just forget it. He I’m sure anybody with a phone nowadays, if you take a picture of something and right there and you have your GPS on your picture, it’s that simple.

00:08:37:05 – 00:08:56:15
So pretty sure that lying to the federal government and an investigation counts as a felony. I know this because we all know this because Martha Stewart did time for lying to the FBI when they asked her about her stock sale. So this is actually way more intense. And we’ll see. You know, that got kind of wiped away with his plead.

00:08:56:16 – 00:09:19:05
Okay, November 30th, Jacob completes an NTSB accident form. In that report, it’s technically the NTSB pilot slash operator, accident, aircraft accident, incident report. And in that report, he indicated that he experienced a full loss of power around 35 minutes after taking off.

00:09:19:08 – 00:09:21:18
Now, whether that’s a true statement or not, we’ll get into.

00:09:21:18 – 00:09:33:15
And that 35 minute statement was how I figured out approximately where that red arrow is on the map to show you over the mountains approximately where I think this happened,

00:09:33:15 – 00:09:57:11
He said. So in the FAA interview he continues on and he says, you know, the engine had quit and because he couldn’t identify any safe landing options, he parachuted out of the plane, which if you’ve listened to this episode so far, you should be thinking that’s utter bullshit, because we told you he basically and we showed you the video

00:09:57:11 – 00:10:19:17
if you’re watching this, he basically kind of leveled off his plane, said, Oh shit, a bunch of times, opened his door almost immediately, if not even as the power was being cut. We’ll talk about that in a minute. And he didn’t even try to start it or anything else. He didn’t say, hey, there’s no he didn’t even look around.

00:10:19:17 – 00:10:39:20
And usually what you do if you can’t see around your plane is you bank your plane and you kind of look around. And that’s like we didn’t seem to any of that stuff. And even that being a pilot, I hope we’re getting enough information where you can hear him say, I couldn’t find a safe landing option so I parachuted out of the plane and you go, Oh, that’s utter bullshit.

00:10:39:22 – 00:11:04:05
And that’s going to lead us to our next act. So we’re done with Act three, which is the investigation. We’re going to get into what Trevor Jacob did to cover up what he did in the investigation. And this is where it gets really juicy. So if you liked anything that we talked about in this act, please, if you’re on something like YouTube, please, like our video or subscribe.

00:11:04:07 – 00:11:39:04
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00:11:39:04 – 00:11:52:00
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