Rapper BigRigBaby’s WeedGenics Company Was A Ponzi Scheme – Act 1: Meet The Playas

Sit back and listen to a story where rapper BigRigBaby (Patrick Earl Williams) and his partner Max Bergmann (Rolf Hirschmann) steal millions of dollars of investor money from their “WeedGenics” company. This is eCrimeBytes.com S 2 Ep 6-1: Rapper BigRigBaby’s WeedGenics Company Was A Ponzi Scheme – Act 1: Meet The Playas.



00:00:10:00 – 00:00:33:27
Hey, welcome to eCrimeBytes Season two Episode six. This one is a rapper named BigRigBaby. His weed company name WeedGenics ends up being a Ponzi scheme. And this is a really fun case. I mean, this is another one of those that I’ve been sitting on I couldn’t wait to bring to you. And finally, finally, we get to record it.

00:00:33:27 – 00:00:57:17
So this is a case that the computer evidence here is going to be very light, meaning it’s not going to be that hard to understand. It’s just going to be fake spreadsheets, fake emails, faked photos, faked PowerPoint presentations, anything you’d imagine that a company would create that would be digital was fake. The crime itself is a Ponzi scheme.

00:00:57:24 – 00:01:19:26
So everybody outside thinks it’s an investment. And we’re going to present to you like an investment, and then we’re going to turn the tables and tell you where the Ponzi scheme comes in. Criminals here, we got a bunch of them, but we’re only going to give you a handful. There’s the rapper BigRigBaby. We’re going to talk at length in a minute here about him.

00:01:19:28 – 00:01:46:14
There’s his partner, Rolf Hirschmann, and then there’s these other individuals you might hear us talked about as relief defendants, which is defendants that haven’t been formally charged but somehow gained from this crime. So they’re being named. And it’s basically like shell companies and things like that. And then we got the victims, which are the investors, and there’s hundreds of investors.

00:01:46:16 – 00:02:01:00
And I picked this case because two reasons. One is, come on, a rapper named BigRigBaby. I had to choose it. And second is, it’s our first S.E.C. case. So if you’re not familiar, a lot of computer crime

00:02:01:00 – 00:02:09:06
could be investigated civilly with the SEC, which is a little different than criminal.

00:02:09:07 – 00:02:22:05
We’ve been talking about prosecutors and so forth. So the portion of the case that we’re going to bring you is the civil portion that the SEC is bringing. So it’s just like any other entity bringing against them. But it’s the SEC. Well they a.

00:02:22:05 – 00:02:35:26
Regulator right so right from a civil perspective they would be the SEC regulating it if there was a criminal charge separate from it which clearly they’re I’m sure was here it would be probably the DOJ at the federal level.

00:02:35:28 – 00:02:54:20
And the time I researched this I didn’t see one but I imagine there’s going to be if you listen to this case, you’ll probably agree with me. So the Acts for this case and let me pop them up on your screen. We got five acts. So on Monday, and this is going to be Labor Day and this is going to be your act one.

00:02:54:20 – 00:03:23:12
This would be Meet the Playas. Act two is going to be in green investments and that comes out on Tuesday. Act three on Wednesday is going to be the High Life. Act four on Thursday is going to be the actual Ponzi scheme. We’re going to actually show you what happens under the hood. And then Friday Act five, we’ll talk about how this whole Ponzi scheme, which is a lot like a triangle or a pyramid, how that crumbles.

00:03:23:12 – 00:03:25:17
So I call it the pyramid crumbles.

00:03:25:17 – 00:03:26:28
So with that,

00:03:26:28 – 00:03:31:11
let’s go ahead and just get into Act one, meet the playas.

00:03:31:11 – 00:03:54:16
All right, so act one, meet the playeas. And I got to. I just got a warn you right off the bat here. You got to prepare yourself for crescendo of pictures if you’re on our video and watching this, because I BigRigBaby being a rapper. He’s got a lot of pictures of himself on his Instagram or I should say that in the past tense he had a lot of pictures of himself on his Instagram.

00:03:54:18 – 00:04:08:07
I went there recently and his Instagram doesn’t exist. I don’t know if he just hid it or it’s gone or what it is, but a lot of these pictures when I grabbed them at the time, don’t exist out there anymore. So with that,

00:04:08:07 – 00:04:16:03
this is the first picture I have. So this is BigRigBaby, and this came off of his Instagram and yeah, this is pretty tame picture.

00:04:16:03 – 00:04:16:12

00:04:16:12 – 00:04:18:00
him holding his hair,

00:04:18:00 – 00:04:20:26
kind of whatever. I was like, All right, that’s a good intro picture.

00:04:21:00 – 00:04:32:18
But note the style, right? He’s matched the the it’s not a hat. It’s a visor to the yellow jacket. That’s not easy to do. That is a very, very cool matchy match.

00:04:32:20 – 00:04:36:26
And it says BigRigBaby on his jacket. And the logo.

00:04:36:26 – 00:04:39:18
Does say BigRigBaby.

00:04:39:21 – 00:04:59:07
And so here’s another picture I got off his Instagram and this is some interview that he did called off the Porch. And I believe I linked the video also in our sources. So you can actually watch this whole interview. But there’s a couple you just after you did digest for a moment, this is BigRigBaby sitting on the porch pulling a chain.

00:04:59:09 – 00:05:19:09
And on that chain is a giant semi. And I’m sorry, video viewers, I know you can see it, but I’m saying it out loud for audio only listeners as well. So he’s got this chain and I have no idea what this thing must cost, but it must be a lot because it looks like a lot of gold and he’s kind of holding it out.

00:05:19:09 – 00:05:31:02
And the chains, I would say, could easily a half inch thick, maybe an inch thick. And it’s just this giant semi and this is BigRigBaby. And the bottom.

00:05:31:04 – 00:05:37:29
To be clear, it is to be reckoned with. The chain and the the adornment are awesome.

00:05:38:01 – 00:05:57:25
Yeah. At this point, when I did the research in this case, I was like, holy shit, I’ve got to cover this case in some way, shape or form because this chain is amazing and you’re going to see this chain continues in the rest of his pictures. So we got him sitting at a table with a giant wine glass that makes him literally look like a baby.

00:05:57:25 – 00:06:18:21
This is how big this wine glass is and you can’t see it because our pictures are kind of over it on the video. But it looks like a like a container of Hennessy or something like that. I don’t know if you pour the Hennessy straight in this wine glass, but if he did, he’s going to drink it. That’s a whole lot of liquor to be drinking.

00:06:18:23 – 00:06:19:13
And I just thought.

00:06:19:13 – 00:06:22:11
This is like a it’s like a Thanos sized glass.

00:06:22:11 – 00:06:32:01
I thought this is a pretty amazing, amazing picture. Not only because we see the chain again, but because of the big, big ass wine glass.

00:06:32:01 – 00:06:41:22
And so here’s another picture of BigRigBaby. He’s standing in front of a Corvette. And let me take Seth and I pictures off so you can really tell that that’s a Corvette.

00:06:41:25 – 00:06:44:21
It is a Corvette for sure.

00:06:44:24 – 00:06:53:19
And you see him just kind of staring at it. I imagine maybe he bought it or wanted to buy it or was taking it for a test drive. But,

00:06:53:19 – 00:07:00:02
he’s got his chain on again, his big giant semi. And I’ll tell you, I went through a lot of his pictures. I never actually saw him with a real semi.

00:07:00:02 – 00:07:05:06
Seth. He’s got a he’s got a semi on his chain all his videos that I’ll talk about.

00:07:05:06 – 00:07:07:18
Symbolic Jones It’s symbolic.

00:07:07:18 – 00:07:21:23
No semis no semis it’s not even in the videos so he’s got this chain again and then he’s got this Corvette this really nice Corvette And then my eyes could not stay in the Corvette because I was fixated on this fucking fanny pack that he has.

00:07:21:26 – 00:07:25:11
The fanny pack isn’t really aligned with the rest of his outfit. I mean,

00:07:25:11 – 00:07:29:22
not to be like the Joan Rivers here, but that is an interesting choice.

00:07:29:24 – 00:07:36:14
Yeah, it was a pretty incredible. All right. All right. So with that.

00:07:36:14 – 00:07:57:15
So who is BigRigBaby? Okay, I’ve been using his rapper name this whole time. He’s got a real name. He’s known as in the real world as Patrick Earl Williams. Patrick Earl Williams, a.k.a. BigRigBaby. And I’m going to say BigRigBaby because that’s just a fucking awesome name.

00:07:57:18 – 00:08:28:14
BigRigBaby has a friend. His friend, real name. And already you could just stop at this real name because is this real Rolf Max Hirschmann. And I’m like, this guy sounds like an evil spy or like the the quintessential enemy in a movie. They together and I said real name because hold on a second here. But they together own this company called Integrated National Resources or just INR.

00:08:28:17 – 00:08:31:18
You’ll hear us say INR kind of throughout this whole episode.

00:08:31:18 – 00:08:38:28
Now, BigRigBaby was a vice president INR, and I tried to figure out what the hell he was the vice president

00:08:38:28 – 00:08:48:09
of business development, vice president of operations or anything? It was just vice president and that was it. Hirschmann, the best I could tell was a main owner,

00:08:48:09 – 00:08:53:29
so it’s kind of like Hirschhman owned it and BigRigBaby sort of ran it.

00:08:53:29 – 00:08:54:13

00:08:54:13 – 00:09:15:29
I had to look into his rap because very, very few people know this about me. But I am a lifelong hip hop connoisseur, so much so it’s a little secret about me, but my eight mile was actually loosely based upon my life when I lived in Michigan as a child. I went out and I listened to BigRigBaby’s music so you didn’t have to.

00:09:15:29 – 00:09:22:16
And I will tell you, and I’m not going to play it here because, you know, I don’t want to deal with copyright and all that stuff because it’s actual music.

00:09:22:16 – 00:09:35:09
If you know who Rick Ross is, he’s kind of like a copy of a copy of a copy of Rick Ross. But if you’re old like me and you know that you make a copy of a copy of a copy and the

00:09:35:09 – 00:09:38:10
copies, just kind of get shittier as you go along.

00:09:38:12 – 00:09:55:24
That’s BigRigBaby here. He’s no, trust me, he’s no Rick Ross. He’s still on YouTube. I did link a bunch of his videos in the source’s section that we always make for these episodes. Feel free to go look at it, but I will warn you, it’s not the best music that I’ve heard.

00:09:55:27 – 00:10:08:24
And that being said, I having a name as awesome as BigRigBaby kind of makes up in large part for the actual lack of musical. Maybe his music is great. He just didn’t like it.

00:10:08:27 – 00:10:19:25
Maybe it is, maybe it is. I thought it was bad and I thought I thought it was bad enough that when I knew about all this fraud that we’re about to present to you, I thought this fucker should have spent a lot more

00:10:19:25 – 00:10:27:06
from his fraud on his rap career because he needed some help. I thought, when I listened to it.

00:10:27:08 – 00:10:29:09
So what did you tell us about Rolf Hirschman?

00:10:29:16 – 00:10:42:15
Seth All right, so let’s start with a fun fact. Mr. Hirschmann tries to hide his true identity, and in the INR paperwork, use the name Max Bergmann, which is equally German, so I don’t understand what he was trying to hide.

00:10:42:15 – 00:10:48:24
And then why would anyone need to hide their identity when they’re doing legit business, Right? Unless you’re like a movie star.

00:10:48:26 – 00:11:10:25
So and I agree with Jones’s note here that Max Bergmann sounds like a seventies porn star or a lead news anchor. I got some off channel you pick. Bergmann was the face, however, of INR but BigRigBaby was clearly featured. Right. And much of the company material given that he had a an online profile and you know was some level of celebrity.

00:11:10:25 – 00:11:45:02
So now let’s talk about INR or integrated national resources. So many companies also have a DBA or doing business as theirs was quite clever. It was known as WeedGenics. That’s w e e d g e n i c s. Very clever. And they claim to have a large cannabis cultivation facility in Nevada and that they were pending an opening one in California, a Las Vegas facility apparently covers 52,000 square feet and generates consistent annual revenue of $18 million.

00:11:45:02 – 00:12:10:25
Well, pretty impressive, right? And apparently they’ve secured another larger 150,000 square foot space in an industrial park in Adelanto, California. I don’t know where Adelanto is, but it’s interesting that they would grow their business, not in Nevada, but back in California would increase their annual revenue by an additional $54 million. And they claim to have all the licenses and permits to all of this.

00:12:10:27 – 00:12:35:05
So you’re thinking, oh, it’s pretty impressive, right? Well, let’s see what the government says about them. However. So the government claims that BigRigBaby, I’m not going to use a real name because it’s not nearly as awesome as his handle, who is 34, is actually a resident of Saint Pete, Florida, and he holds himself out publicly as the vice president of INR. And INR corporate entity

00:12:35:05 – 00:13:04:00
filings describe Williams excuse me BigRigBaby as their president and chairman of the board. So big baby Excuse me. BigRigBaby is the sole signatory on INR bank accounts and we see that apparently also received rather investor funds and made interest payments to investors. BigRigBaby, also known as Mr. Williams also has a public online presence, which I just mentioned, obviously.

00:13:04:02 – 00:13:32:14
So INR, what do we know about them? They’re apparently a Delaware corporation. Not unusual. That was previously registered in Wyoming. That’s kind of weird. Before transferring its registration to Delaware in October 2022, INR touts itself as a company engaged in the business of cannabis cultivation and distribution, with purported cultivation facilities in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Adelanto, California. Now, what about Mr. Hirschmann?

00:13:32:16 – 00:13:42:02
Mr. Hirschmann, 52, is a resident of Eagle, Idaho. Let’s pause on that. Jones Really? Eagle, Idaho Hirschmann.

00:13:42:02 – 00:13:44:12
Holds Wyoming and Idaho.

00:13:44:12 – 00:14:11:07
I’ve heard of certain tax benefits in certain countries, but I’ve not heard certain sorry, in certain counties in certain states. Clearly, Delaware is well known. I know Montana, maybe Wyoming. I’ve not heard of Idaho. Now, Hirschmann holds himself out to investors as Max Bergmann and serves as INRs. Primary Investor Relations Representative. So I guess his job is to get out there and say, Hey, I got this company, I got this celebrity, has the president and who wants to invest?

00:14:11:07 – 00:14:30:17
So these are all people you should go. These are definitely people should be executives of a multimillion dollar company. Right. I mean, they sound like very trustworthy individuals. I say that with some sarcasm because you’re going to see what’s coming down the line in the fact that they’re using AKAs is in their business paperwork and all that stuff.

00:14:30:17 – 00:14:54:22
Should already already be setting off alarm bells for you. But we’re going to pause here because in Act two Green investments, we’re going to talk about how are they lured their investors in to get their money to do all the cool shit that we’re going to tell you that they did. So if you liked anything that you heard in this act, please, like and subscribe whatever application that you’re on.

00:14:54:24 – 00:15:18:03
If you’re on Apple Podcasts specifically, could you please give us a five star review and you can say anything nice that you want. That algorithm over there that helps us find more listeners. And about half of our audio listeners are on Apple Podcasts. So that would help us out a lot and we appreciate that. And if you haven’t yet do visit our website.

00:15:18:03 – 00:15:39:23
It’s eCrimeBytes, e c r i m e b y as in yellow milk t e s dot com. And it’s got all our social media links and everything there. So hopefully you’re watching this on Labor Day. Stay tuned. We’re going to bring you tomorrow Tuesday act two green investments. Thanks.

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