Cyberstalking With Parker Ryan Little – Act 2: Parker’s Literal Second Act

Join me to hear the story about Parker Ryan Little, who makes cyberstalking his full time job! This this is the first time I’ve seen police officers as the victims of swatting. This is eCrimeBytes Season 2 Episode 20 – Cyberstalking With Parker Ryan Little – Act 2: Parker’s Literal Second Act.

Check out Act 1 for the background:



00:00:10:01 – 00:00:30:07
Hey, you crazy bastards. Welcome back to eCrimeBytes. This is where I research the court documentation and roast the criminals so you don’t have to. This week I’m bringing you season two Episode 20 Parker Ryan Little and some cyber stalking. Now, listen, if you’re on YouTube, I’m gonna put a link so you can go back and watch the beginning of this.

00:00:30:07 – 00:00:51:31
But there’s a lot of background you should probably watch in Act One because you’re jumping in on Act two, which is Parker’s literal second act. There was a first act where he just got warmed up. It was the appetizer he did, and he didn’t get into cyberstalking yet he just got into swatting and calling him bomb threats to a school when he was 17.

00:00:51:36 – 00:01:21:33
And then he’s cyber or he’s swatted a couple of families because he was trying to get their daughters who are big streamers, to mention him in a favorable light on Twitter so he could get more followers. And when they didn’t, he swatted them, which sent emergency services to poor unknowing families at home who had police officers draw guns on them, bring them out, handcuff them until they figured out this was a false alarm.

00:01:21:38 – 00:01:43:59
And then they did a little bit of investigation and they figured out that the phone number that called it in was actually a Google voice number. And it also tied to this Gmail email account and all pointed to this individual named Parker Little. He was caught, arrested and sentenced. He was sentenced for this whole shitstorm that he caused.

00:01:44:04 – 00:02:04:21
It was a year and a day, and then he was on probation for another two years after he got out. Okay, that’s where I left you. That’s where I paused because this is where you really need to buy a hat and hold the fuck on, because it just it goes nuts from here. So I last left you in about 2016.

00:02:04:21 – 00:02:18:47
We’re going to fast forward about three and a half years, and this lands about a year after that supervision that, you know, criminal justice supervision ends. It’s about a year later now. So he’s not being supervised probation wise.

00:02:18:46 – 00:02:30:31
So now we’re talking May 4th through May 8th of 2020. And there’s this individual with the name the initials A.P. and I’m going to give initials every time there’s victims here.

00:02:30:46 – 00:02:52:18
Just expect it. It’s not really important for you to memorize these initials. I’m going to try to point out who they are each time. It might get a little confusing, but it’s just the best way that the court paperwork and myself can anonymize who the victims are here. So this AP, it’s a he or him, it’s Parker Little’s former employer.

00:02:52:18 – 00:03:22:13
The best I can tell from the the documentation. So it sounds like Parker Little’s just started cyberstalking this poor man relentlessly. So on May 4th, there was an email sent to Fort Gibson Police Department warning that this individual, AP, his former employer, planned to shoot people. The email was spoofed. And if you don’t know what that is, I… almost all our cyberstalking cases back from Jason Leidel and season one.

00:03:22:13 – 00:03:34:32
They spoof where these things come from. So it doesn’t look like it comes from the actual criminal. It looks like it comes from the possible victim. Now, this one

00:03:34:31 – 00:03:48:21
the email address was OMMA dispensary at protonmail dot com. Now if you dissect that email address it sounds like a dispensary, like maybe a cannabis dispensary.

00:03:48:26 – 00:04:09:41
That’s what I’m guessing. So I wouldn’t really place a dispensary as having a proton mail dot com address. But hey, I don’t know. It’s it is in this case, apparently this is what Parker Little wants his believe his make believe email address to look like a dispensary coming from protonmail.

00:04:09:40 – 00:04:14:42
This email now has a screenshot inside included in it that’s been fabricated.

00:04:14:42 – 00:04:48:38
Okay. So you can imagine an email comes across and inside there’s this image and this image is a screenshot and the screenshot is of a text message conversation. And it says in there that this poor victim AP plans to use quote unquote two custom AR fifteens with 3000 ammo going to sit downtown Fort Gibson and end people. And I’m going to pop up the actual this actual image for you if you’re watching this instead of listening to me.

00:04:48:40 – 00:04:50:10
So you can actually read this for yourself.

00:04:50:09 – 00:05:07:56
Investigators later found Google Records like later on in the investigations, they found Parker Little searching for this victim AP, how to spoof it, email and records to a website used to spoof email addresses.

00:05:07:55 – 00:05:10:32
So I hope you’re with me so far.

00:05:10:31 – 00:05:36:37
So the next day, on May 5th, this gentleman, the victim, AP, and his wife, R.P., take out a protective order on Parker Little in Muskogee County, Oklahoma, which is probably a good thing. And let me read this text message I’ve had on the screen for the video of yours, but let me read it verbatim for our audio listeners just so you can hear it.

00:05:36:42 – 00:05:39:40
It says This is what he included on the email

00:05:39:39 – 00:06:12:32
found out my wife is cheating on me and trying to take my sons with an apostrophe which confused me away from me. So I think he’s saying plural sons, and it goes on to say, got fired from advantage control. So probably my last message I recently built two customs AR fifteens got about 3000 ammo going to sit downtown Fort Gibson and end people. All right and I think now I think I’m drawing the picture here where they’re saying spoofed there’s a phone number on this text message.

00:06:12:32 – 00:06:23:09
And I think they’re saying that phone number is spoofed. All right. That’s the part that’s being spoofed, not the protonmail. All right. So

00:06:23:08 – 00:06:39:36
we got a spoofed text message now coming across Protonmail That’s the first thing where they’re pointing to this victim AP. Now, May 8th, there’s a new message as a public message now on an Internet message forum.

00:06:39:36 – 00:07:08:43
It’s a website called DoxBin. D o x b i n. remember I told you about doxing earlier. That’s where you take someone’s personal information and put it online and people who harass them or call pizzas in or emergency services or whatever. Well, put a message on doxbin claiming to be the victim AP and threatening to shoot five Fort Gibson police officers with two custom AR fifteens.

00:07:08:47 – 00:07:13:52
The Post claims that the victim was fired and his wife was leaving him taking their children.

00:07:13:51 – 00:07:17:58
This is the part where I had to put my head in my hands for a minute. Let it sink in.

00:07:17:57 – 00:07:34:46
Claimed to know the police officer schedules and he does doxxed the police officers names, birthdays, phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses.

00:07:34:50 – 00:08:08:50
And I sat there for a while and I was like, How did that fucker get that much information on five police officers and then post it. I can only imagine this is the point where police officers, if they weren’t taking this case seriously, I imagine they were. But if they weren’t, they were at this point because now you have five police officers who have all their personal information posted on the public Internet out there, and then you have some poor victim who’s claiming to shoot them, who’s going to get investigated, and Parker sitting on the sidelines going, hee hee hee.

00:08:09:01 – 00:08:36:40
Right. All right. So later on, there was actually a Google it in Parker’s Google account. There was a document that has all this information in it. So investigators were later on able to show that this was actually Parker posting all this stuff and not the the victim here AP. So at this point, the case is referred to the FBI.

00:08:36:40 – 00:09:09:52
And I imagine this is where it gets really bad for Little because all the resources with the FBI are now pointed at Little who so far hasn’t done a whole lot to hide himself. So the police, at some point go out and talk to Little and they said, hey, we got some questions for you because some shady weird shit’s happening and we want some answers. At that moment, Little was like and audio viewers can’t see my expressions, but I’m just kind of looking around.

00:09:09:56 – 00:09:29:01
And he looks at the police officers and he’s like, I think I’m being a victim of swatting right now. So you can imagine a police officer probably rolling their eyes, going, All right, fuckface, I’m okay. So, yeah, that was his trying to get out of jail free was saying, somebody’s swatting me right now. That’s why the police are talking to me.

00:09:29:16 – 00:09:32:07
Even though he’s the one that’s been swatting other people.

00:09:32:06 – 00:09:55:49
So even though he’s pretending that he’s been swatted by the police, police have done investigation. They figured out he’s he’s been prepared. He knows in the background, he knows what’s going on. So they did investigation on one of his Google accounts spelled w u l f So, Wolf, r u n z runz.

00:09:55:54 – 00:10:20:59
Y o u. So wulfrunzyou. So I’ll just refer to it as the wolf account. So this account that’s attributed to a Little search for the name of AP’s employer, search for AP’s phone number, visited the site How to sex not sext. I got to leave that in right. How to send a text message from your email account.

00:10:21:04 – 00:10:46:56
So he’s looking up how to basically send text messages from an email account usually used as a method to spoof text messages when you want to harass somebody. Usually I say this because I see a lot of these cases. That’s what I see happen now. He also visited things like disposable email addresses. He visited the Fort Gibson Police Department web page.

00:10:47:01 – 00:11:03:01
He searched for things like fake a message like 10 minutes before this email was sent out to the Fort Gibson police Department with this fake I message looking screenshot that I showed you.

00:11:03:00 – 00:11:14:21
After that, the account then searched for various websites looking for the Fort Gibson Police Department online police scanner so he could listen to the possible swatting.

00:11:14:21 – 00:11:28:59
Right. That was fucken twisted, I got to say. And then within an hour he then conducted more searches for the victim AP and AP’s family member probably looking to see if he’d been a victim of swatting.

00:11:28:58 – 00:11:42:08
So then there’s a new set of stalking events and a new victim. This victim is JC. JC is a former high school friend of little.

00:11:42:14 – 00:12:05:17
So you can imagine they were in the other case, they were connected by employer it sounded like, whereas in this one they were high school friends. So it sounds like they were friends to begin with. And you can see something happened that turned that sour. And Parker just goes off the rails. So let me get into the stalking first.

00:12:05:21 – 00:12:36:18
February of 2020, Little started saving records and photos of this victim, JC, an acquaintance. So I don’t know about you, but I don’t just typically go to my acquaintances and start saving their pictures and their information on my drives. But Parker Little did. He also saved a copy of his former friend’s driver’s license, his former friend’s medical cannabis card.

00:12:36:23 – 00:12:54:07
And then he went on Discord, which is an online chat service, and started posting and looking for ways to destroy JC’s credit in life. And he even doxxed information about JC’s girlfriend and her family.

00:12:54:06 – 00:12:59:59
So JC’s girlfriend had nothing to do with this, but now she’s a victim and her parents had nothing to do with this.

00:12:59:59 – 00:13:25:49
And now they’re victims because he’s out there trying to destroy their lives and he’s posting their information on these underground discord chat servers, looking for people to destroy their credit and their lives. Some of the posts he says out there are things like, what’s the best way to frame someone you think? I order pizza, SWAT, boxes, taxis, cranes to this kid’s house.

00:13:25:49 – 00:13:32:20
What else could I? Running out of stuff. So he’s really trying to hurt this person in any way he can.

00:13:32:19 – 00:13:54:51
Okay, So. Lord. Okay, So I want to pop up another communication here in this whole cyberstalking tornado. This is June 11th of 2020. This is a posting where Little posts pretending to be JC.

00:13:54:50 – 00:14:11:55
And he starts off it says, Well, to start this off, my name is JC. I’m from Wagoner, Oklahoma. I used to work in Tulsa making circuit boards. But that’s one of the reasons why I’m doing this. My girlfriend, R.F., broke up with me and left me out on the street.

00:14:12:00 – 00:14:38:23
So through June 20th to June 23rd, I will be carrying out a killing spree on these fucking retards. I’m sorry, but that’s what he said. On these fucking retards below with my two custom AR fifteens and homemade devices. I already have schedules for them, know what they’re doing. Don’t try to stop me or I’ll do it sooner. Goodbye.

00:14:38:27 – 00:14:58:35
Now I pause and stuff as I’m reading this and I’m stuttering it just because he doesn’t use punctuation and things and there’s run on sentences here. But I read it, I read it verbatim for you. That’s exactly how it was written. I think by quote unquote fucking retards he’s talking about police officers because that’s what the court documentation says.

00:14:58:35 – 00:15:00:59
And they said that later on that

00:15:00:58 – 00:15:25:17
little claims through this individual Jesse posting online that he knew officer schedules and then again just like the other instance he dox the officers’ names birthdays, phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses. Later on, when investigators did more investigation on Little’s accounts and computers, they found out that little did the search for AP Fort Gibson.

00:15:25:17 – 00:15:53:28
So that AP being the victim’s name, Fort Gibson and things like hit list Doxbin. And why did he do that? Why did he search for the prior AP victim and the Fort Gibson? Because a lot of times people like just they’ll be lazy, they’ll cut and paste things. They’ll cut and paste the exact same, like threatening letter and just change a couple of words to the other one.

00:15:53:29 – 00:16:13:04
So investigators were able to show that Little was tied to this one and he was tied to the other one because a lot of this communication was pretty much exactly the same communication. He copied it from the other one. So like I said, he didn’t do a lot of work trying to cover up who he was.

00:16:13:03 – 00:16:17:02
Okay. So why the little pick on Jesse here?

00:16:17:17 – 00:16:46:32
Well, like I said, JC was a friend from high school, but from this point, when all the stalking started about two and a half years earlier, Little owed JC money. Victim JC. And I keep saying JC, that’s his initials here JC. When Little did not pay JC, JC probably got fed up and went to Little’s mom and said, Hey, your fucking son won’t pay me.

00:16:46:43 – 00:17:02:29
I need this money. I don’t even know how much it was. I just this is just, just the story that was in the court documents. But he went to Little’s Mom, Little’s mom was probably like, I am so sorry. My son knows better than that. Here’s the money and gave it to JC. Now this

00:17:02:28 – 00:17:12:34
pisses little the fuck off. So Little went on Xbox and demanded JC pay him the money back that he got from Little’s mother.

00:17:12:39 – 00:17:14:56
I know this almost sounds like a Jerry Springer episode, right?

00:17:14:55 – 00:17:38:36
And so I imagine JC probably says, Ah, fuck you. Little then goes online or he goes on and pretends he’s JC and he calls a cannabis dispensary in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and he threatens to rob it. So Little is pissed off. Calls this dispensary says, I’m JC, I’m going to come and rob you.

00:17:38:40 – 00:17:59:48
Probably not a good thing for JC, right? Then Little went online and opened up a bunch of credit cards in JC’s girlfriend’s parents name, and I had to make a giant note next to this one of what the fuck? Because there’s so many I have so many questions. He’s got the girlfriend’s parents names and all their information. I don’t know how that’s even possible.

00:17:59:53 – 00:18:25:42
That’s got to be a full time job. Just get that information. But then to get enough information where you can reliably open a credit card in those people’s names had to take a tremendous amount of work. I would imagine. Then Little started texting that girlfriend’s mother saying, Hey, tell JC and your daughter the girlfriend to stop doing what they are doing.

00:18:25:46 – 00:18:41:50
This is Parker. Yes. He didn’t even bother to hide his own name. He said, This is Parker. So, you know, this is Parker fucking threatening you? God damn it. So Parker didn’t stop there. Then he called Geico.

00:18:41:49 – 00:18:52:03
He called Geico pretending to be the girlfriend’s parents. Like he called their policy. Right. And basically said, Hey, my son’s dead.

00:18:52:03 – 00:19:19:18
I need it removed. I need that dead son of mine removed from my policy. All that was not true. The girl. I know there’s a lot of connections here so JC’s girlfriend’s parents had Little try to remove their son from the insurance by claiming the son is dead when the son wasn’t as if that’s not some fucked up shit, I don’t know what is.

00:19:19:23 – 00:19:27:51
It gets worse. Trust me, it still gets worse. This isn’t even the worst part. Even though this is horrifying. Horrifying for this family.

00:19:27:50 – 00:19:42:44
I have to pause here because we’re at the end of act two. We’re at the end of his literal second act where he just got into cyberstalking and was like, Fuck you, to two individuals and the people that they were connected to and just sort of cyberstalking them.

00:19:42:49 – 00:20:05:52
Act three is called Why Stop Here or Why Stop There? Why stop where we are? Why stop with these two individuals? Why not stalk more people? Because Act three is going to be about stalking. I don’t want to. I listen, I don’t want to spoil it for you. But who worse could you cyber stalk besides the victims that we picked here, other than possibly law enforcement? You’re going to have to come back.

00:20:05:52 – 00:20:24:59
You going to hear some really crazy shit that Parker Little decides to do against law enforcement in this case and just goes off the rails even further. So if there’s anything in this episode that you’ve liked so far, and I know it might not be Parker Little because he’s kind of a douche bag, it might not be his crimes because he’s really fucking over a lot of victims in this case.

00:20:25:00 – 00:20:42:05
So we have to pause here. I apologize. So if there’s anything in this episode that you liked, it might not be Parker Little, it might not be how he cyberstalked his victims but maybe how much research I do or how lighthearted I try to bring it to you. If any of that, if you like it, please thumbs up.

00:20:42:09 – 00:21:01:40
Like, subscribe, follow whatever the positive affirmation things are on your platform that you’re either watching me on or listening to me on. And if you can reshare this, that would help me out a lot too, because then friends that you might think will like true crime, lighthearted podcasts like this will be able to see this for the first time.

00:21:01:45 – 00:21:20:06
And with that, please do come back tomorrow we’re going to have our concluding act. It’s going to be Act three called Why Stop There? And we’re going to get into the just the more crazy shit that Parker Little does and he’s going to get caught and sentenced for this whole tornado of cyberstalking that I’m bringing you so far.

00:21:20:14 – 00:21:23:25
So I’ll see you back tomorrow. Thanks.

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