The Largest CIA Data Breach – Act 1: Meet Joshua Schulte

Join me to hear the story of Joshua Adam Schulte, the CIA cybersecurity software developer who leaked Vault 7 to WikiLeaks! This is Season 3 Episode 8 – The Largest CIA Data Breach – Act 1: Meet Joshua Schulte.



00:00:00:00 – 00:00:26:40
What’s up, you crazy bastards. Welcome to another week of eCrimeBytes. This is where I research the court documentation and roast the criminals so you don’t have to. All right, so this week, this is season three, episode eight. This one is. I’m calling this and this is straight out of the press. The largest CIA data breach. Okay.

00:00:26:41 – 00:00:28:53
We’re just going to jump right into this one

00:00:28:53 – 00:00:55:57
and I’m going to just introduce you to the criminal in this case. His name is Joshua Adam Schulte. S C H U L T E. Now I’m just going to call him Josh or Joshua throughout here because I do a lot of voice to text for my closed captions and just saying his last name that’s going to murder it and I’m just going to have to edit it it every single time.

00:00:55:57 – 00:00:58:42
And we’re just going to call him Joshua from here on

00:00:58:42 – 00:01:25:34
out. So just, just hang, hang with me. So, Joshua, he between the years of 2012 and 2016, he was a software developer at this place called the Center of Cyber Intelligence. And this is at the CIA. And they conduct offensive cyber operations. And what this means is like cyber espionage to terrorist organizations.

00:01:25:39 – 00:01:58:10
Cyber espionage of foreign governments. The stuff that you would think of if you were making a movie about spies. Right. So Josh, he worked there. He worked in this group, the C.C.I. I’ll just call them the C.C.I. Group from now on, or the CIA. So in this group, they he worked, they worked on tools. And as you can imagine, if you’re not a computer person, people attack each other on the Internet all the time.

00:01:58:10 – 00:02:27:28
They try to exploit vulnerabilities on your phones or your laptops. You can imagine if you have something like an iPhone every few weeks, you get something that says, Hey, you got to update your phone. And that’s because there’s all these vulnerabilities that security researchers like me might find in those products. Okay. That’s the above ground in the news cybersecurity world that I just gave to you there.

00:02:27:42 – 00:02:59:21
That’s the tip of the iceberg. So underneath the water here, there are people that use these exploits to their advantage. And sometimes they’re criminals. You know, somebody’s trying to break into a corporation and steal their money. And in other cases it’s intelligence organization, organizations trying to do operations against terrorist organizations or other foreign organizations. Right. So to do all this, they need tools.

00:02:59:21 – 00:03:28:00
They need tools to exploit these exploits that happen in these systems. The things that you have to patch on a monthly basis that annoy you. Well, there’s people out there that will write tools to exploit those things if you don’t patch them. Okay. That’s why it’s important for you to patch them is because if those vulnerabilities exist and somebody writes an exploit for it and they exploit it, that’s that could be game over for you, right?

00:03:28:04 – 00:03:53:44
This is the type of group that writes these exploits for spies to do these kinds of things. This is what we’re talking about here throughout this whole episode. I’m just trying to set the stage for you. They will have not only just intelligence, if you think of the CIA, but they have tools to exploit networks and computers in order to gain intelligence.

00:03:53:48 – 00:04:24:04
Okay. Hope you’re with me so far. So in addition to working on software development duties on these tools, Josh, he also was temporarily an administrator for one of the servers that hosts a bunch of tools. So not just his tools, but tools that other developers in the CIA will be writing alongside him. Okay, So you can imagine it’s not just him writing these exploits.

00:04:24:04 – 00:04:58:55
It might be a hundred versions of him running these exploits, and they’re all storing it somewhere on a server that now Josh temporarily, temporarily will have administrative access to. This all becomes important later on. So somewhere along the lines of March 2016, I read that Josh was moved out of or he was like moved within branches of the CCI group within the CIA because he had personal disputes with somebody else, some other developer.

00:04:58:57 – 00:05:22:28
Okay. So it sounds like, you know, they had a beef with each other. Who knows what happened? Maybe it went to HR and then it sounds like Josh was moved and who knows what happened to the other person. Now yeah, I was going to crack a joke. Maybe he died. It’s the cia. Who knows, right? I’m just joking. All right, so after he was transferred.

00:05:22:35 – 00:05:42:56
Okay, it sounds like he wasn’t supposed to have this administrative access anymore that I just told you about. So what does he do when he needs it? And he’s going to need it in a minute. I’m going to tell you why. But he abuses it and finds way to get administrative access when he’s not supposed to have it.

00:05:43:00 – 00:06:12:37
Okay. So because of this, there’s in the cybersecurity world, you can put some measures in place sometimes to detect when things like this happen, when abnormalities like this happen. And I imagine and I’m just reading between the lines of the court documentation here, there was something that alerted somebody that wasn’t Josh, and they said, hey, he has administrative access.

00:06:12:37 – 00:06:34:32
And they probably looked up and went, shit, that guy’s not supposed to have administrative access. So they did whatever process it is in the CIA. They darted him and poisoned him and killed him, pushed him in the river. Just joking. No, they went and talked to him is what they said in the court documentation. They went and talked to him and they said, Listen, motherfucker, no more of this shit.

00:06:34:32 – 00:06:56:33
We saw you, okay? We saw you switch to administrator even though we took your administrative access away. No more of that. No more becoming administrator. We know that you’re in cybersecurity and you guys can do that magical shit and just turn yourself into administrator. We’re telling you now don’t do that any more. We’re taking it away and don’t do it anymore.

00:06:56:44 – 00:07:01:04
Okay, So that’s important here. This is going to be important to the case later on.

00:07:01:04 – 00:07:22:50
So that happens before they take it away what does he do? He secretly opened another administrative session. Before so you can imagine he had a couple sessions right. So they knew of session A and they’re like, Bad boy, you were administrator and they took that session away But he’s like, heh heh had session B over here.

00:07:22:50 – 00:07:44:31
You didn’t even know about it. So now he’s still administrative. He has administrative access to this important server that has all these tools that the CIA would use against people like Osama bin Laden if they had to break into the computer network. But assuming that there was a computer network for Osama bin Laden. But you get what I’m saying.

00:07:44:31 – 00:08:07:48
All right. All right. So a couple of points here. The group that Josh worked in sounds like it wasn’t a ton of people. It was like three, four or five people that were within his vis his physical vicinity, meaning the office he went to. If he were to turn and try to punch somebody, he could only punch a handful of people.

00:08:07:57 – 00:08:33:38
Okay. It wasn’t like he was working in a room of thousands or hundreds or even tens of people. It sounds like it was very segmented, very compartmentalized. Okay. And this is also important because when Josh is doing stuff on his computer, that means people aren’t really paying attention because there’s not very many people in there. Right. You might have like a guy in a corner over here, another guy has his monitor turned over there and you’re like, That fucker over there, that’s he’s surfing porn.

00:08:33:39 – 00:08:53:34
And that’s the only reason people at work will turn their monitors so you can’t see them. They’re surfing porn on work time. It has to be. But anyways, there’s only like three or four people there. So even if they each took a corner of the room, you can pretty much hide everything you do on a computer monitor and nobody is going to be like, Josh, Josh, are you doing something you’re not supposed to?

00:08:53:39 – 00:09:19:11
Which is, Yeah, he’s doing a lot of stuff he’s not supposed to do in this case. So with all that background here, we get to the meat. Okay, here’s the meat of the story. Josh uses. Well, first of all, all the other developers, they went home. I don’t know if it was like, you know, Christmas party and everybody takes off and he’s like, I’ll stay around and I’ll clean up, guys, don’t worry, I’ll be here.

00:09:19:16 – 00:09:46:14
And they all left thinking nothing of it. Josh sits down, he uses his super secret server administrative session that I just told you about that nobody knows about that they said you shouldn’t even have. And he executes a series of I had to say this verbatim from the court paperwork because I’m not I know I probably seen this before, but it’s such a I guess it’s such a cringy, cringy phrase that I got to say it.

00:09:46:14 – 00:10:07:10
You ready? He executed a series of cyber maneuvers on the CIA network. And to a computer person like me, when you say something like that, I got to make fun of you. I got to make fun of cyber maneuvers. My God. I feel like goes back in the early 2000s watching CSI. It’s horrible. Anyways, that’s that’s what they said.

00:10:07:10 – 00:10:35:00
He did a series of cyber maneuvers on the CIA network to restore his revoked privileges, break into the backups, steal copies of the entire CCI tool development archives, revert the network back to his prior state and then delete hundreds of logs in an attempt to cover his tracks. Okay, let that sink in for a minute. So what he did, if none of that made sense to you because let’s say you’re not a computer person.

00:10:35:00 – 00:10:56:37
I know I have a segment of my audience just come in just for the true crime, and I’m going to try to explain this as much as possible. Hey, listen, if any of this stuff is confusing, just drop a comment. I if I get feedback, I try to I try to do better on the next episode. So if something’s not clear and you’re like, I don’t know what the hell that guy was trying to say, ask a question in the comments and I will answer.

00:10:56:37 – 00:11:32:49
I answer almost every nice comment and I think I can and even some of the mean comments I answer if they’re if they’re obviously not spambots. All right. Those are the only ones. I don’t if I don’t answer you, it’s because I think you’re spam, basically. Okay. So what happened is Josh sat down with no supervision, got administrative access and a very important resource in the CIA, stole all the tools that are able to break into other people’s computers and phones and things that they wouldn’t even know that you broke in because this is a classified environment.

00:11:32:49 – 00:12:02:43
Okay? This is not a a commercial environment. People don’t even know these things exist. And he stole them all, all at once. And here’s a very important thing to my technical friends watching. He stole it from a backup server. Backup servers sometimes are the least guarded servers out there that have the most amount of important information because people want to save the most important information in case there’s something that breaks.

00:12:02:43 – 00:12:26:01
Right. And a lot of times people forget about the backup server as a security practice in comparison to things like their web server and these other more important servers that the public sees. Well, you get your hands on a backup server like Josh in this this episode, you’re going to see that it becomes the largest CIA data breach.

00:12:26:01 – 00:12:43:31
And in my opinion, that backup server is the reason this does become the largest CIA data breach up until the point that I’m recording this podcast. So hopefully there’s not a bigger one and you’re watching back goinog that guy he’s wrong. He’s wrong. There was a bigger one. This is the biggest one I know about at this time.

00:12:43:31 – 00:13:06:18
All right. So Josh, that he doesn’t stop there. He goes home. Okay, listen, just when you think this case is over, Josh goes out and does more stuff, okay? So he’s at home now, and it’s not like he sits on it. He doesn’t go to Russia and try to sell them like we saw in previous episodes. You know, back up.

00:13:06:18 – 00:13:39:12
I got a lot of episodes where people have stolen stuff from classified environments and they tried to sell it to other nations. He doesn’t do that here. He transmits the stolen CIA files to WikiLeaks. And if you’re not familiar with WikiLeaks, a place online where whistleblowers can go to give that whistleblower information to the public. Okay. And I’m trying to leave opinions out here because people feel strongly for or against WikiLeaks.

00:13:39:17 – 00:14:05:44
I’m kind of in the middle of it. You know, you kind of need you need the whistleblowing, but you need to be careful with classified information, like we’re talking about in this environment. So what happens is Josh sends this classified information to WikiLeaks, which is not a classified environment, not even a US company or organization. Okay. And he used tools,

00:14:05:48 – 00:14:25:03
we know this later because of the investigation, but he used tools that WikiLeaks said to use if you’re going to be sending important shit over the Internet like the Tails operating system and the Tor browser, both of which are used to try to cover who is the other, the initiating side of a lot of these communications.

00:14:25:03 – 00:14:37:18
Now, on May 5th, 2016, Josh is like, I sent everything that I stole the WikiLeaks.

00:14:37:23 – 00:14:52:43
I should probably cover my tracks, right? Yeah. I don’t want to be caught. I don’t want to be I don’t want to have the feds bust in my door and have a bunch of data on my computer. Right. So let’s delete that shit. So there’s this term that we will we will use. It’s a technical term. It’s called wipe.

00:14:52:48 – 00:15:19:53
And in the computer realm, what it means is to take every spot that data can be written and your hard drive and overwrite it with something else. So with the way that computers work is typically when they delete things, they don’t really delete it. They just like don’t care about it anymore. It’s kind of like you leave the book on the shelf, you just don’t go back and ever pick up the book again until you need that spot.

00:15:19:58 – 00:15:43:25
Then you throw away the book and you put a new book there. That’s kind of how computers work. So what you can do is go to every spot that is open and put a new book there, basically. So take out all the old books and put new books there. So what it means is if you have open space on your hard drive, it’s going to write something there, write

00:15:43:25 – 00:16:01:23
a new file, just random stuff like Shakespearean literature across it. So that way, when it’s deleted later on, if somebody else tries to undo it, they’re just going to see the Shakespeare and go, What the fuck was this guy? Okay, Well, he wasn’t looking at classified material. He was reading Shakespeare the whole time, right?

00:16:01:23 – 00:16:23:14
That that’s what can happen here. So, Josh, knowing this, he will. He wiped his whole home computer trying to get rid of any type of evidence that he could. Okay, So that shows that he knows that it’s wrong. Not only that, but I think even the most craziest person ever will look at classified information and go, I probably shouldn’t give that to the public.

00:16:23:14 – 00:16:45:40
And if I do, I’ll get in trouble for it. Okay. So Josh doesn’t stop there. On November 2016, he resigns from the CIA. Okay. And prior to resigning, it wasn’t like he just resigned. He wasn’t like, hey, thanks, guys. Thanks for the time. You know, you know, thank you. Thank you for all the time that I spent here.

00:16:45:40 – 00:17:08:53
No, he was like, Fuck you guys, fuck all of you, because I had a dispute with people and management mistreated me because of that, that dispute. So I’m pissed off. And he’s like telling all his coworkers and stuff this according to the court documentation on his way out. So I think he’s disgruntled. Okay. At this point he’s leaving and disgruntled.

00:17:08:58 – 00:17:44:35
This should be this should be sending up red flags, I hope where he works. Now, WikiLeaks has this information. Josh has quit. March 7th, 2017 WikiLeaks starts publishing it. And it’s the biggest public leak of classified information of all time. Okay. And there were 26 disclosures of classified data on WikiLeaks, which is any anybody in the public of any nation could go there and see this stuff.

00:17:44:40 – 00:18:15:08
And they called it the Vault 7 and Vault 8 disclosures. Okay. And that’s sort of the code names for these repositories that were stolen that were then released to the public through WikiLeaks. Okay. So you can imagine the government one day was probably sitting down and reading the paper went, shit, guys, all our CIA tools just got leaked to everybody on WikiLeaks.

00:18:15:13 – 00:18:32:57
Anybody else see that? And everybody else came in to work and was like, Yes, yes, we saw that too. So they started an investigation immediately, immediately. And they want to figure out who stole the information. And now this is there’s some points in here where I was like, this is pretty cool how they how they do this investigation.

00:18:33:02 – 00:19:01:41
First of all, they said they quickly identified who the suspect was. It was Joshua. Okay. They said that they identified him quickly because when they looked at the tools that were released, they started basically correlating on the network. They’re like, where are the spots all these tools show up. There is the server over here that has all the tools on it.

00:19:01:41 – 00:19:24:16
And then there’s this other server, this backup server over here that backs up the tool server. That’s obviously where this should have come from, right? And then you follow the chain of the investigation. The next thing is who has access to this server? And they looked and they said it was a very small number of system administrators who had access to the server.

00:19:24:16 – 00:19:49:00
And then they started looking and they said who had access in the time frame that we care about. And I’m going to spare you the details, but there’s some investigation that happened that was pretty clever. And they looked at the time date stamps of these tools and they ended at a particular date. And the way they ended, they said this kind of looks like it kind of looks like it ends at the end of a day every day.

00:19:49:00 – 00:20:08:59
And jeez that kind of looks like a backup. And they said, who else has you know access, that basically that led them to the backup server. Right. So just looking at the time and dates and the tools themselves led them to the backup server, which is another piece of evidence that they looked at. They said, who else has access to this?

00:20:08:59 – 00:20:37:09
And when you do the correlation between servers that different people would have access at the relevant point in time, the numbers of people that are suspects, it’s like a Venn diagram, right? You have two circles and you put them together and there’s that shared space in the middle. You start doing that enough times and the shared spaces gets smaller and smaller and smaller, smaller, and all of a sudden there’s only a couple of people left, right?

00:20:37:09 – 00:20:56:36
And one of them ends up being Joshua. Okay, So he was identified pretty much immediately. Now, this is the point. This is the point I want to highlight to you. This is the point, I think, where they went, shit, they figured out it was Joshua. They said when they did the analysis of the data that was stolen, which came from the backup server.

00:20:56:36 – 00:21:20:40
Right. They look through and they’re like, it’s got people’s names and data in here. So you can imagine there’s like a Keith Jones in there and there’s a John Smith, and then there’s a basically you can imagine like a gap of where administrator Joshua would normally be if his shit was stolen. It was missing, and then it was the next person.

00:21:20:40 – 00:21:43:25
So they looked and they were like, That’s kind of weird. Everybody else’s data is in here, but Joshua is missing. And then I think that was the point where they were like, It’s that fucking guy. That’s the guy that did this because he deleted his data, all his data from this data leak and left everybody else’s in it.

00:21:43:25 – 00:22:01:43
So in my opinion, that’s what led them to Joshua in the investigation. So the investigation continues and the government’s like, we better talk to this guy, right? I mean, that’s usually what they do is they interview first going really hope this person tells me a lot of information.

00:22:01:43 – 00:22:23:25
I don’t have to do a lot of work. And then they sit down, they’re like, hey, would you like to talk to me? And they read your Miranda rights. And some people talk and some people don’t talk. Joshua decides to talk. Okay. And this is the March of 2017. And apparently he lied. Lied a lot. He said he was not responsible for the data theft.

00:22:23:29 – 00:22:26:51
He was not responsible for leaking it to WikiLeaks.

00:22:26:51 – 00:22:35:31
And he was like, I had nothing to do with that. And, you know, basically anything that they put in front of him, he’s like, Nope, nope, had nothing to do with that either. Nope, I had nothing do that.

00:22:35:36 – 00:23:26:05
And that was basically his whole interview upfront at this point. So now I’m not going to go down this tangent too far. But basically, once you’re in a classified environment, you give up a lot of rights that a normal citizen wouldn’t with respect to being searched in especially at work. But like in this case, it looks like they still still, went to the lengths of getting all the documentation that they need for search warrants and stuff like that that they would for a normal person that didn’t work in a classified environment.

00:23:26:05 – 00:23:38:52
So in March 2017, the government says we’re pretty sure he’s lying. So, Judge, can we go into his apartment? There was an apartment in New York City.

00:23:38:52 – 00:24:00:36
He used to live in Virginia by the way, and this will become important. He travelled between the two. Think interstate. Interstates could come up here in a minute, but they were like, hey, judge, if we get a peek at his apartment because we think he stole a whole bunch of classified stuff and the judge probably looked at whatever their probable cause was, all like, Yeah, yeah, you can look in there.

00:24:00:40 – 00:24:26:51
So this is interesting. They tried first to do a covert search warrant, which would be the first one that I read about. I know they probably do them all the time, but it’s the first one that I’ve read about in this podcast that I do. And they went in and they were like, Holy shit, he’s got a lot of computer stuff, a whole lot of computer stuff, so much computer stuff that if we were to do this covertly, we’d be here forever.

00:24:26:51 – 00:24:48:54
He’d come home, he’d see us and our cover would be blown. And I immediately thought back to The Sopranos scene of when they broke in and got that light in the basement and stuff like that was what I was imagining exactly that when I was reading the court documentation. I was like, This is The Sopranos. And they broke in and they were like, Holy shit, he’s got a bunch of desktops, a bunch of hard drives.

00:24:48:54 – 00:25:12:20
He’s got a bunch of tablets, my God, We can’t image all this stuff covertly right now before he gets home We got to come back with an overt search warrant, which is usually what you see with normal people that don’t work in the classified environment, the overt search warrant where they came in and they say they announce they knowck and they’re like, you need to stand over here while we go search the rest of your premises.

00:25:12:25 – 00:25:36:07
They do that the next day because they realize they have so much computer stuff. That involves another another court process where they had to wake up a judge and get a different paper signed by that judge. And they did. And they got it. And they basically came back the next day. And now Joshua knows that they’re really searching for this classified material because they’re at his apartment tearing it apart.

00:25:36:12 – 00:25:56:37
What looking at all the computer pieces and devices and data that he has now, he has a lot of stuff, but we’re going to zero in on something that’s the most important things here. That’s what I try to do in eCrimeBytes. I try to give you just the pieces you need to know. He has a desktop. Okay.

00:25:56:37 – 00:26:19:12
Think desktop. Not a lot of people have them. Most business people have laptops nowadays. So immediately if you go into a desktop, I’m thinking younger generation gamer because desktops are usually used in heavy gaming. You need that power. Or why else do you need a desktop, right? I don’t know. I mean, they cost about the same and stuff, but you can’t carry them around.

00:26:19:12 – 00:26:37:48
So yeah, well, I mean I would zero in on the desktop immediately and they do and they open it and there’s this thing on there called a virtual machine. And the half of my listeners that aren’t computer people, you’re like virtual machine. What is that? Let me tell you really quickly, and I apologize to technical folks. Give me a second.

00:26:37:53 – 00:27:06:07
It is a machine that runs inside your physical machine. And I know it was very vague, but you can imagine it’s software that you run on your computer that makes another operating system think it’s running as a physical computer that it’s not. It’s actually running in software. So you can imagine I can set up three virtual machines on my physical computer.

00:27:06:12 – 00:27:35:00
And in that way, maybe one is meant for software development, another one’s meant for doing my testing on a web server. And then my third one is for my porn, right? That’s what Joshua did here. His VM session, all porn. So apparently agents, they went in there. First of all, the the it sounds like the disk was encrypted, so they were like, shit, we can’t get in there.

00:27:35:05 – 00:28:03:21
And then I’m going to this is one of those cart before the horse things. There’s an investigation that happens where they get passwords off of his phone and physical notebooks that he has written down. Okay, like physical paper. So basically, Joshua likes to write down his passwords, different places. And then also he likes to reuse his passwords. Both of these are important.

00:28:03:26 – 00:28:27:04
So at the point when the FBI is doing their investigation, they’re like, we can’t get into this hard drive. Well, we got these 18 passwords out of this book over here. Maybe they don’t even know they’re passwords. It’s like these 18 phrases, Let’s try them. And they try them and eventually one of them works and they’re like, holy shit, now we’re inside his virtual machine.

00:28:27:09 – 00:28:48:02
Now what do we do? And they look around and they go, Hey, there’s this other really large file over here that looks really random and I mean random meaning the content, the ones and zeros look literally random. Okay? And my technical folks, that might make a little more sense because a lot of times in computer worlds, things aren’t random.

00:28:48:02 – 00:29:11:45
They are text that people can read. So immediately you look at that thing, Well, that’s weird. Why would you have a really large random file? Well, to an investigator like myself, a random large file usually means encryption or compression because of reasons I’m not going to go to to not make my non technical folks just want to turn away.

00:29:11:45 – 00:29:31:51
But basically, those are the two types of files that you would see in a very large, very random file. It’s either going to be encrypted or compressed. And they ruled out right away it wasn’t compressed. And they go, that thing is encrypted. So they’re zeroing in here at this point on a very large file, they go, it’s encrypted.

00:29:31:51 – 00:29:54:23
So guys want to try another password from that notebook? Sure! They put another password. It it worked. It opened and they saw there was another basically another like a directory structure under there. Okay. So I’m going to spare you there’s a couple layers of this that goes on where they look around, they go, Hey, there’s another encrypted thing.

00:29:54:27 – 00:30:21:40
And then they go and they go back to their password list. They try another one, another one works and they get in and eventually they get to the if you think of the the the nesting dolls where you take the one doll off and there’s a smaller doll inside. This is what’s happening here with encrypted containers is another one and another one and another one inside until finally, finally they’re at the files that they want to see.

00:30:21:45 – 00:30:55:44
And you think, are you like they got the classified information? They finally caught him. No child porn. Lots and lots and lots of child porn, like 3400 images and videos of not just maybe child porn, but like definite disturbing, horrific child porn and if you know me from my prior episodes, I try to shield you guys from the stuff that’s horrific.

00:30:55:44 – 00:31:22:24
And this is one of the spots where I would kind of fast forward in the story and not tell you about the stuff on that hard drive, because I read some of it and it was horrible. Let me just let you walk away with an impression of Mr. Joshua here. He likes kids, or at least he has porn with kids as young as two, and he likes images of bestiality and sado masochism.

00:31:22:24 – 00:31:29:22
And I say he likes just assuming he likes it because it’s on his hard drive. Okay. I say that making that assumption,

00:31:29:22 – 00:31:56:12
But it was amazing. And if you’re curious technical folks, if you’re curious about what he used to encrypt it, it was actually encrypted VM on the outside, it was an encrypted home directory on the VMware image inside the home directory, there were two meaning one inside the other, Veracrypt encrypted volumes, meaning it’s a big file.

00:31:56:17 – 00:32:27:44
And once you open up the outside file, it kind of becomes this virtual harddrive. And then there’s this other big file you open up that one that becomes another virtual harddrive, and then there’s all the child porn that he put on there. So important to note that apparently Joshua was collecting this during his employment at CIA and continued to, as a court document said, quote unquote, stockpile child pornography from the Darkweb and Russian websites after moving to New York from Virginia.

00:32:27:44 – 00:32:48:30
Now, I know you were like, holy shit. Didn’t see that coming. I didn’t either. There’s another crime he brings here. Now, I’m just going to talk about this very briefly because I was like, wow, All right, copyright infringement. So all the all the shit they charge him at the end, copyright infringement is one of them. All right. This happens between September of 2015 and August 2017.

00:32:48:35 – 00:33:20:01
And you can see he basically has this large server full of copyrighted movies and TV shows and books and stuff like that that he probably shared with his friends and people he wanted to impress. He’s like, Hey, is your server as big as mine? And he gives them a link. He’s like, Check out all my movies. Well, interesting in the fact that he was charged copyright infringement, but it’s interesting in the fact that it helps our investigation because there was porn on there.

00:33:20:06 – 00:33:47:11
Okay. And it wasn’t just porn. There was child porn on there. And we know this because there was saved IRC chats. Okay. And IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It’s basically the very first version of your AOL IM or your Slack or your whatever your favorite you know, even text messaging. I mean, it was prior to that, right?

00:33:47:11 – 00:34:14:53
I mean, it was there a long time ago. Well, he was using it to talk to other people that are that are into child porn. My God. And the chats are pretty horrible. I’m going to give you the ones that aren’t so bad, they that are investigatively important in this case. Now, I want to start out by if you were on IRC chatting about child porn, would you use your first name?

00:34:14:58 – 00:34:36:30
Josh Josh did literally use the word Josh. Okay. Later on, if when law enforcement looks in there like Josh and then we’re looking at the real person Josh. Holy shit, they actually match up. I mean, later on he can’t be like, Hey, I used Brad. It wasn’t me, it was this other guy that I know named Brad.

00:34:36:30 – 00:34:47:17
It was literally his name. And so on January 17th of 2018, I’m sorry, of 2009, we have an IRC chat

00:34:47:17 – 00:34:56:48
and I’m going to put it on the screen for our video viewers here. And I’m going to I’m going to read it to you and video viewers. If you wonder why I read these things is because have a subset that are audio listeners only.

00:34:56:48 – 00:35:20:26
So I try to do that. I try to include them. Okay, So here we go. Josh says, you can use it in an encrypted location to store data as well back up or I’m not sure what W slash E is. I’m sure somebody, if you know what it is, put in the comments, but it says it’s encrypted, RAIDed, and you can be sure of privacy.

00:35:20:31 – 00:35:47:31
Okay. Sounds like you’re talking about computer stuff, right? Then his friend comes in and says, a great place for kiddy porn. Holy shit. So most, most normal people would go, what did you. Did you say kiddy porn? No, no. I was talking about like putting putting all The Sopranos on there. I wasn’t talking about kiddy porn. Like, where did that come from?

00:35:47:36 – 00:35:59:00
That’s what a normal person would say. What do you think Josh said? He says, LOL dot, dot, dot. So,

00:35:59:00 – 00:36:14:12
yeah, like he didn’t say, Get the fuck out of here or anything else. He just says lol. So this is where the conversation just continues. His friend, his friend goes, or normal porn or backups. And then Josh comes back and he says, I guess if that’s what you get you off.

00:36:14:27 – 00:36:32:37
And I read that as like kind of roped his friend back into the child porn conversation here. I mean, his friend was kind of like, okay, you’re not into child porn. I’ll talk about backups now. And then Josh is like, I guess if backups are what, get you off. And his friend is probably like, oh so you do like child porn

00:36:32:37 – 00:36:59:50
like me! Okay, let’s continue talking about this. So then they his friend goes backups, then he cracks like a nerdy joke. He’s like this tar ball sure is hot. And then Josh comes back and goes, LOL I meant kiddy porn. My God. So if you were like again, if you were to have any type of deniability, just went out the window there because Josh is like, yeah, I meant kiddy porn.

00:36:59:55 – 00:37:05:53
And then his friend goes, yeah.

00:37:05:53 – 00:37:27:02
And then Josh says, Just don’t put something too illegal there. And so his friend goes back and he goes, like, what? And Josh says, I’d be pretty pissed off if the FBI knocked on my door and said I had terrorist plans to nuke the US on my server. I got to stop there before I finish this.

00:37:27:02 – 00:37:48:32
People. Me personally, if you were going to break into my house and I were going to have a choice of nuclear secrets and being a terrorist or being a guy who had a bunch of kiddy porn, I’d take terrorist all day long, right? I mean, people will at least have a little bit of respect for a terrorist. I’d be like, Yeah, cause you stood up for your cause.

00:37:48:45 – 00:38:12:32
Shitty cause, terrible cause, absolutely horrible cause. But you stood up for it. We got. We got to commend you for that. There’s no commending, no commending kiddy porn. At all. At all. Okay. So, yeah, like his his vision of bad is terrorist material instead of kiddy porn. Okay, so to continue the

00:38:12:32 – 00:38:19:31
conversation. His friend goes, well, it’s all encrypted, so you could tell the FBI to shut the fuck up.

00:38:19:36 – 00:38:54:49
And then Josh says, Ha ha ha. Yes, well, encryptions can be broken. Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh, you have. They can also be broken if you write down your passwords, right Josh? Right. That’s why we’re. That’s why we’re reading this IRC chat, isn’t it? Josh it’s because somebody broke your password. It is. Okay, so we have another IRC chat now, later on, this is March 30th of 2009.

00:38:54:49 – 00:39:14:06
Buckle up. This is where it gets into the kiddy porn. And again, I’m not going to talk to you about actual content here. We’re just going to talk about how gross Josh and his friend are. So Josh says it doesn’t really look like kid porn to me, but I don’t know. You guys decide. And then he makes a little emoji with a smiley face.

00:39:14:06 – 00:39:35:02
Stick the tongue out. Now that assumes he just looked at porn that was probably kiddy porn. And he was like, that’s not that’s not young enough for me, people. That’s not young enough. And I don’t know what that means. That could be like he looked at a 13 year old and he’s like, we know he likes two year olds, so I don’t know.

00:39:35:07 – 00:40:18:53
So then his friend comes back, I think, to kind of pacify him because this porn wasn’t good enough. He says, Let me move to my workstation. And then another friend says, okay. And then Josh comes back with this website that he posts and chat, and it’s this domain crypt m dot org c r y p t m dot org which I’m not even sure if the person owns it any more that because it looks like Josh owns it from the court paperwork and I visited it the other day and it doesn’t it looks active and Josh we know is not active anymore so I, I think somebody else owns it. So if you go

00:40:18:53 – 00:40:46:22
there your mileage may vary is what I’m saying. But this URL which I it’s on your screen I highlighted it here. But Josh he doesn’t even try to hide his porn man. He puts tilde Josh slash porn. So anybody that has this website link, you share this with anybody, you’re like, I’m going to Josh’s porn. It’s in the website name, the name, the link, everything.

00:40:46:27 – 00:40:51:01
And then his friend comes back and he’s like, Hey, what’s up, my homies? And then his other friend goes

00:40:51:01 – 00:41:14:16
LOL, and then his other friend says, I probably want to scp this. And for non-technical people this means securely copy or basically copy something using encryption over the network so people can’t see you transferring this instead of sitting it on a fucking website without encryption that you see.

00:41:14:16 – 00:41:37:46
There’s no s up there. My technical viewers, it’s just HTTP colon, no https colon, no https colon. And it says Josh porn. So everybody knows you’re getting Josh’s porn. But if you use scp at least now it’s kind of hidden and people don’t know that you’re getting Josh’s porn. And that’s what his friend is trying to nicely show him here, and then his other friend comes back and he goes, You have a whole folder for it.

00:41:37:51 – 00:41:40:36
So it must, must be a lot of porn.

00:41:40:36 – 00:41:55:36
And then his other friend comes back and I think they were going to the website and this other friend goes, Dude, just secure copy it. You don’t want to end up in jail. And his other friend goes LOL. So then Josh comes back. He goes, Hey, I’ll take it down in a bit.

00:41:55:40 – 00:42:16:31
Not like they will not even know. I got a pause here. Josh again. Again Josh. We know. Were reading it. We’re reading it in the podcast right now Josh. That’s because they busted your passwords and read your… Back up. I explained it earlier. Anyways, so Josh thinks he’s going to take it down. Nobody will know about this child porn that’s up there.

00:42:16:36 – 00:42:19:45
And so his friend goes, What’s the path? Meaning what’s the new

00:42:19:45 – 00:42:36:31
link. And then Josh says, I don’t see how they could tell. And I think he’s talking about people would tell that this is porn. Dear Josh it says Josh and porn in the link. Don’t argue with your friends. They’re just looking out for your best interest at this point.

00:42:36:36 – 00:43:08:06
His other friend comes back and goes heh. And so then Josh goes back and shows them the path internally to the web server, and it ends up being slash home slash Josh slash HTTP, which means web to non computer people slash porn. So he removed any doubt that you know it’s anybody else’s porn. This is Josh’s porn. He claims it. So his other friend apparently probably seeing the link going why is Josh putting his name in the word porn in there and goes.

00:43:08:06 – 00:43:24:59
I don’t know either. I’m not taking the risk, but which one should I watch first? I was like, That’s fucking creepy. And his friend comes back, goes hah hah hah hah. And then his other friend comes back, apparently, probably looking at the porn, going rename these things for God’s sake.

00:43:24:59 – 00:43:30:12
And his other friend goes hah hah hah hah. So he has a lot of weird friends and I’m just reading this for the audio folks.

00:43:30:12 – 00:43:44:19
I know viewers, video viewers. You can see this on your screen. Then his other friend comes back and goes like it was a restaurant or some shit. I don’t know what he meant by that. But then Josh goes back and says, All Right, hold up, I’m renaming.

00:43:44:19 – 00:44:03:56
So apparently he finally took his friend’s advice and is like, I’m going to go back and take my name Josh porn off of this so it’s not so God damn obvious to podcasters and 2024 reading it that he is obviously sharing his porn with people. And then because he changed his name his friends were like ah god damn it fuck.

00:44:03:56 – 00:44:21:51
I was looking at that. Why did you change your name? I may have to reopen a new link now and then Josh is like, okay, okay, here. And he gives them a link and he goes, Now try. And that is from friend comes back to make fun of him. He goes, Now I’m downloading not kiddy porn dot MPEG.

00:44:21:56 – 00:44:34:14
So he’s like making fun of Josh. He’s like, dude, you named all this terrible stuff earlier. Now what? You’re naming it not kiddy porn? And so Josh comes back with apparently a good sense of humor and is like lol.

00:44:34:14 – 00:44:48:13
And then Josh says, Dude, it looks just like regular porn, which this creeps me out because that means he was looking at it and comparing it going, yeah, definitely not young enough for me. Younger, younger kids, which just grossed me out.

00:44:48:18 – 00:45:11:41
And then his friend goes, I don’t even like porn, which I call bullshit on, by the way me the podcaster I call bullshit on that. You would not be in here trying to get all these links and stuff and then be like, I don’t even like porn. Yeah, bullshit. And then Josh comes back and says the last little piece of this chat that just leaves you with a horrible taste in your mouth.

00:45:11:41 – 00:45:34:48
He says you can’t even tell they’re under age if they even are. Okay. So we know Josh, he’s definitely into these. And come on. I mean, you got to read that and you got to know he sounds like he’s into kids. I mean, he definitely he’s into kids enough to know he’s looking at people that aren’t kids.

00:45:34:52 – 00:45:37:38
We know that. Right?

00:45:37:38 – 00:46:07:34
So then there’s another and June 28th of 20. I keep doing it. 2009. Okay. And all right. So this this involves this domain again. This cryptom dot org domain. And basically, Josh, he apparently owns this. Okay. This is the back story I’m giving you. He’s going to explain a little later. But he gives his friends ability to put their porn and other quote unquote shit.

00:46:07:34 – 00:46:30:37
His words on the crypt, which is his domain cryptm dot org. So he gave them all their own directories or facilities or ability to put their own stuff up there. And he gave them three links on there that you can see on the screen there. So then one of his friends goes back and is like, So what’s the story of this cryptm?

00:46:30:41 – 00:46:56:20
He says then Josh slash Sturm which is just to Josh being the person we’ve been talking about, Sturm being one of his friends, very weird phrasing. I don’t know. I’m going to tell you, he’s asking like, what is this? Where is a server? Who owns it is how I read this? And what of his friends go back and goes, Josh started it so he could securely host all his child slash rape porn.

00:46:56:25 – 00:47:02:51
Okay. So Josh is into bestiality, into children, into rape. Got it. Okay.

00:47:02:51 – 00:47:20:02
And then Josh steps in. He says I got tired of my old server sucking back in Lubbock and I hadn’t built a computer in like almost six months. So I built a sweet server with three terabyte, RAID, etc.. Stop it, Josh, stop it. We all know you have such a big penis.

00:47:20:07 – 00:47:41:26
You don’t have to tell us about your three terabyte raid. Okay. All right. His other friend comes back and he’s like, Nice. Where is all this stuff up there Then? And then Josh comes back and gives him one of the links to the same website that he’s been giving it to, which is, again, not encrypted, doesn’t have the http s is just HTTP and this time

00:47:41:30 – 00:47:45:44
it’s just slash data. So you don’t know what data is,

00:47:45:44 – 00:48:14:41
right? You can look at that data and be like, that’s horse betting. That’s horse betting. That’s completely fine. And really it’s just child porn. It’s all child porn. So we know some things based upon the investigation. And later on I apologize, I jump around chronologically sometimes for you, but we know that in this time he also literally Googled, went to Google and literally typed in child porn.

00:48:14:46 – 00:48:37:17
Okay. When I say Google, I don’t mean to go to some child porn search engine. I mean literally Google. I listen I, I did computer investigations for decades. I don’t remember ever hearing of anybody that I went to Google actually searched for child porn at Google. Usually people would go to specialized sites for that kind of thing. But Josh did.

00:48:37:17 – 00:49:02:39
Josh went to Google and searched for child porn for his his his liking. And you would go, my God, That one time he did that. No, he did it multiple times. Okay. And we know this because later on, investigators, they can go to services like Google and say, Hey, you’ve got this username, Josh, and we’re investigating him for all other heinous shit and we need you to pull all the records that you have for him.

00:49:02:39 – 00:49:28:35
Could you give them to us, please? And Google would say, Sure. And they pull his search history and they pull his, you know, his location history if he has an Android phone. They pulled everything they have and then hand over to law enforcement, assuming it fell under the parameters of the court order and then law enforcement would basically get to see what Josh was doing on his phone based upon that data. So they could see he was Googling child porn.

00:49:28:40 – 00:49:46:17
Now, here’s another thing we find out later on from court documentation that there was a point in time where basically you have evidence that was seized from you and time goes by and you can say, hey, I’d like to have my shit back. And then if the court’s done using it, like, yeah, we’re not using it, you can have your shit back.

00:49:46:21 – 00:50:05:07
Well, Josh did this for his cell phone and his desktop app, which his cell phone had passwords on it that I told you about earlier. And his desktop had porn on it. Child porn specifically. He wanted them both returned to him and the government, rightly so, was kind of like, I’m sorry, you want to you want to what?

00:50:05:11 – 00:50:25:58
He wants his cell phone and his and his desktop with child porn? Fuck no. Why would we do that? There’s child porn on there. We would never give this stuff back to him. And then the court agreed with him. So you can imagine. I’ve told you, Josh has done a lot of stuff. Okay. Copyright infringement, stealing classified secrets, sending them out to WikiLeaks,

00:50:25:58 – 00:50:26:54
child porn.

00:50:26:54 – 00:50:34:27
I mean, just so much stuff that I. I don’t even want to read to you every single count that this guy is charged with.

00:50:34:27 – 00:50:47:41
I’m going to put a slide on the screen because it’s 15 counts. Okay? And I’m just going to kind of categorize the different counts that he’s charged with because there is so much shit this guy does that they charge him with everything that I think they can.

00:50:47:41 – 00:51:20:06
They charge him with things like illegal gathering of national defense information. That’s the classified information part. And then they charge him with sending it to WikiLeaks. And this falls under things like illegal transmission of lawfully possessed national defense information and you’ll be like, that sounds pretty sounds pretty tough, lawfully possess national defense information. That’s not to be confused with the next one, which is unlawfully possessed nationally national defense information because they charged them with the book.

00:51:20:06 – 00:51:46:18
Right. They charge him with the shit that he got that was under the normal circumstances of his job. And then they charge it with the shit that he got that he broke into and took that weren’t part of the normal circumstances of his job, just to be sure. And then they, you know, they charged with illegal transmission and attempted transmission on unlawfully possessed national defense information which which just means sending it to WikiLeaks.

00:51:46:23 – 00:52:04:21
And then they get them on things like unauthorized access to a computer to obtain classified information. Yeah. And if you’re like me, you’re not a lawyer. And I read a lot of legal documents, too. I look at a lot of these laws, and counts, I’m like that kind of sounds like the other one. Yep, that one sounds like the other one.

00:52:04:26 – 00:52:22:49
So I’m sure there’s some details in the actual law’s legal language that sets these things apart, but when they charge them with the titles and they kind of summarize them and the court documentation, they don’t always tell you what those details are. Okay, so what I’m reading on to you, you’re probably like, why this sounds exactly the same.

00:52:23:00 – 00:52:43:31
Yeah, I agree with you. It does. It does. But they charge him with it and it sounds exactly the same. So another count, Count five, unauthorized access to a computer to obtain classified information. That was the one I just read you. Now six was theft of government property. And here this is not this is not you went and stole a desk.

00:52:43:36 – 00:53:12:06
He went in, stole data, which is still government property. Okay? Even though it’s virtual, it’s still government property. It’d be like stealing the government’s intellectual property kind of the same thing. And then there’s Count 7, unauthorized access of a computer to obtain information from a department or agency of the United States. Again, sounds like all the other counts. Count eight causing transmission of a harmful computer program, code, or command.

00:53:12:11 – 00:53:34:55
Now, that sounds a little different. That sounds like you hacked into something or you sent malware. And this is this is where he, I believed, bumped up his authorization. He was he was charged with making false statements. That was another count, obstruction of justice, contempt of court. And I already touched on a few of these things, like contempt of court and stuff like that would come later.

00:53:34:55 – 00:53:46:57
And he was charged with receipt of child pornography, possession of child pornography, transportation of child pornography. And at the end, just to be sure, criminal copyright

00:53:46:57 – 00:54:04:32
infringement. So with all those other motherfuckers from the 1980s that copy VHS, remember the VHS videos back when I was a kid in the 1980s, you turn on there would be a blue screen and be like, If you copy this, you’re going to you’re going to prison for life for every charge.

00:54:04:37 – 00:54:34:40
Well, I’m telling you, if if Joshua Joshua lands in jail, he’s going to land in jail with all those other copyright infringement people. They’re going to be comparing notes about what type of movies that they copyright. The people from the eighties, they won’t even know the movies that Joshua copyrighted. Right. All right. And I should say that all these counts I had to put these together amongst a complaint and three, it was I think it was an indictment and three superseding indictments.

00:54:34:40 – 00:54:58:31
So four different documents, five different documents to put all these things together to just give you the picture of all the crap they charge them with. So he comes in and like any normal case, he probably made his arguments like, I’m a real good guy. Please don’t put me in jail until the trial. Please. And the government was like, Did you see all the shit that he did?

00:54:58:36 – 00:55:23:58
And the court said, Well, we’ll let him out. You know what we let most people before trial, we’ll let them out this time. He can’t get into too much trouble. Listen, Joshua. Josh, listen to us really closely here. You cannot be on the Internet surfing, porn and all this other stuff that you do. Any porn, Josh. Any porn. Normal porn, normal adult porn, you still cannot be out there doing that.

00:55:24:11 – 00:55:45:43
You can only be using the computer for things like your defense. Okay. If you need to do legal law research, that type of thing, you are okay with that? No porn, okay Josh? No porn at all. And the government was like, are you noooo, and Josh is like, yeah, thanks. Thanks for letting me out. And he walked out the door and guess what?

00:55:45:48 – 00:56:11:07
Not too long later Josh was re re arrested. His bail was revoked for violating those restrictions and they said, hey, you used a network and more than that you were browsing on the dark web, you were using the Tor web browser on the dark web. Definitely not legal research. Josh, you’re going to be put back in the jail now until your trial.

00:56:11:07 – 00:56:38:47
Okay. So you would think, Josh, now he’s sitting in jail probably like, Fuck, now I can’t do anything. And they never let me do anything. And he’s probably sitting in his jail cell and he’s like, I got to get into some trouble. And what’s one of the things he decides to do? He fires his lawyer and he goes what is called in the legal world as pro se P R O S E, not S A Y.

00:56:38:52 – 00:56:56:22
So Josh goes pro se, which means he is now representing himself like he’s a lawyer. Now, there’s got to be some sticklers are going to say, hey, I read this thing and he had a backup lawyer. Yes, he had backup lawyers, but I read the documentation. This guy filed stuff on his own behalf, argued stuff on his own behalf.

00:56:56:22 – 00:57:24:49
He was his own lawyer. Okay. So in doing that, you can imagine as a non-lawyer, he’s going to make mistakes. Like he had a motion for his bail hearing, something that should be very standard where he’s like, here’s some very standard stuff of why I shouldn’t be in jail and should be out. But Josh, either purposely or accidentally included classified information in his motion to the court.

00:57:24:54 – 00:57:45:38
So he submitted to the court and the court and the government went, shit. And they called in the defense people. The defense people were like, Yeah, yeah, that’s classified. That’s classified. And they went back and they were like, yeah, you’re in trouble for that now too. Okay, buddy. And not only that, he filed it with the court, and he gave it to his parents.

00:57:45:43 – 00:58:17:47
His parents? Okay. Gosh. And I know you’re like, Holy shit, What else can this guy do? Well, there’s a whole bunch more. You’re going to have to pause here because I’m pausing on act one. That was that was Meet Josh. Act two, which I’m going to release tomorrow, which is the prison cell search. They’re going to go through his prison cell, one of his former prison cells, and they’re going to find a whole bunch of shit related to this case that’s also going to relate.

00:58:17:52 – 00:58:36:20
And it’s going to be amazing. And it is so much stuff that I had to break the case in half and have two acts. Number one, which is today I introduce you to Josh and number two tomorrow, which is going to be all about what they find in his jail cell. And he’s going to go to court and you’re going to find out what his verdict is here.

00:58:36:20 – 00:58:59:22
And it’s it’s kind of shocking not shocking. But it’s also kind of shocking. So come back and watch all the way to the end to find out what his sentencer is. All right. If you haven’t already, please, like, subscribe, follow, whatever it is on your application that you’re watching me on the positive affirmation that helps this video get in front of other people.

00:58:59:22 – 00:59:24:45
Now I know you’re like, No, it doesn’t. Yes, it does. I said this on the last one and I saw a couple of people do it, and I went from hundreds of views to thousands of views. And I’m not asking for any money. That’s it. If you could just like it, subscribe and reshare it. If you know that one of your friends might like this type of humor and real true crime data that I’m giving you now, granted these conversations, you got to know they’re not real, right?

00:59:24:50 – 00:59:40:56
But the data that I’m giving you, these are all real cases. I’m just kind of making up what they say and stuff, but I’m telling you the real things of the story while I’m doing it. If you think one of your friends like that, please share videos like this with them and hopefully they could join us every week that I do a new new episode.

00:59:40:56 – 00:59:46:04
So with that I hope you come back tomorrow and we’ll finish up this case. Thanks. Bye.

00:59:46:04 – 00:59:56:04

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