Category: How-To
How To Profile A Zeek Spicy Protocol Analyzer
This is a good page over at the Zeek Spicy Wiki on how to profile protocol analyzers:
My Zeek How-To Video Playlist
Here is a playlist I put together of just my Zeek How-To videos:
YouTube Video For How To Connect Zeek To Python Is Up!
Here is a short video I put together to show how to pass PCAP data from Zeek through Python and back to Zeek. The original instructions I wrote can be found here:…
How To Connect Zeek To Python
I was recently asked how to send data from Zeek to Python. After flipping through the Zeek Broker documentation I couldn’t find a good example to reference, so here is my example.…
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) PCAP Resources For Zeek And Wireshark
In this video I walk through several resources to download ICS protocol PCAPs:
Understanding The Zeek Spicy Wireguard VPN Protocol Analyzer
In this presentation I walk through every line of code in the open source Zeek Spicy Wireguard VPN protocol analyzer. It’s more fun than it sounds, honestly. Spicy documentation: Slides:
Anatomy Of A Zeek Spicy Protocol Analyzer
This video will walk through all the important parts of a Zeek Spicy protocol analyzer.
BACNet Basics With Zeek
We look at what BACNet traffic looks like in Zeek, along the way explaining some BACNet basics.
Easily Run Zeek and Spicy in a Docker Container
Here you will learn to run Zeek and Spicy in a Docker container. I do this often to test my code on different versions of Zeek without having to fully install each…
Create a Zeek Spicy Analyzer from a Template
Learn how to create a Zeek Spicy protocol analyzer from a template using “zkg create”.