Tag: howto
Fix NoMachine’s CAPS LOCK Reversal Bug
I was recently trying to connect to a remote NoMachine host, and the sense of caps lock was reversed compared to my local machine. This happens if your caps was on when…
Using Logitech Brio In 4K In OBS On A 2019 Intel MacBook Pro
I do a fair amount of recording for my YouTube channel on a MacBook Pro, circa 2019. It has the Intel chip. Nothing I found online worked exactly for me when I…
Zeek Clustering How-To Video
I put together a Zeek clustering video over at Youtube (https://youtu.be/g-QvpYHgh1c). You can get to the slides through: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HHHF4-FNhoSuy-YPMOWka3EGvfOW7CJAFeS9VHxBg_E/edit?usp=sharing The source code is available at: https://github.com/corelight/CVE-2022-24491
Using Zeek Signatures To Detect CVEs
I put a video together (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcXjkUt3rZA) discussing a method I have used to detect CVEs using just Zeek signatures: https://docs.zeek.org/en/master/frameworks/signatures.html This method is useful when trying to detect a CVE exploit in…
Top 10 Mostly All Free And Open Source Podcast Creator Tools
Wonder what software we use to produce https://ecrimebytes.com? Here you go. Click on the application name to go to their website. Audacity, Blender, GIMP, and Shotcut are open source. If you have…
How To Profile A Zeek Spicy Protocol Analyzer
This is a good page over at the Zeek Spicy Wiki on how to profile protocol analyzers: https://github.com/zeek/spicy/wiki/Performance-profiling-of-Spicy-parsers
My Zeek How-To Video Playlist
Here is a playlist I put together of just my Zeek How-To videos:
How To Connect Zeek To Python
I was recently asked how to send data from Zeek to Python. After flipping through the Zeek Broker documentation I couldn’t find a good example to reference, so here is my example.…